Jul 27, 2023
“Allowing these companies to keep charging customers for storm cleanup over and over is an outrage,” said Johannes Epke, CLF. “It should be up to the utilities to make their infrastructure resilient to the frequent, climate-driven storms we’re seeing more and more. It’s time to change state rules that allow these companies to pass the bill on to Massachusetts families and businesses and hold utilities responsible instead.”
Jul 26, 2023
Numerous beach closures in the summer of 2023 were a result of climate change and stormwater pollution.
Jul 20, 2023
“Harmful emissions from gas-powered cars and trucks are driving the climate crisis and polluting the air in our communities,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President of Clean Energy and Climate Change at CLF. “In creating these new rules, the state has an opportunity to tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for families in Maine. But the draft released today doesn’t go far enough, and we’ll be pushing officials to ensure 100% of cars and passenger trucks sold are electric by 2035.”
Jul 19, 2023
“The climate crisis is already affecting communities here in Rhode Island,” said CLF staff attorney James Crowley. “We need new offshore wind resources to provide clean, renewable energy, and it’s extremely disappointing that the state’s latest procurement process has not resulted in any new development. Ramping up the development of clean energy is a major response to the crisis we’re facing, and the state needs to get moving.”
Jul 17, 2023
Connecticut is not on track to meet its climate goals. Even worse, the state has pursued an accounting gimmick to cover up its lack of real progress.
Jul 13, 2023
When temperatures climb, this climate-friendly technology can help keep you cool, too
Jul 12, 2023
Around New England and around the country, the summer of 2023 was a summer of extreme weather.
Jul 06, 2023
Climate justice is about recognizing that climate impacts, such as extended heat waves, stronger winds, and intense rainstorms, disproportionately affect marginalized communities. It calls for urgent action to prevent further harm and ensure equitable access to clean energy solutions, prioritizing historically marginalized communities for a sustainable and fair future.
Jun 30, 2023
Climate change means heat waves are getting longer and more frequent. But cities can prepare by implementing three simple steps.
Jun 15, 2023
“Toxic pollution from cars and trucks overheats the planet and clogs the air in our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “The Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks rules would help us tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for people and families in Maine. It’s time for our state leaders to step up and walk the walk when it comes to slashing pollution from vehicles.”