Nov 30, 2023
“It is unconscionable that anyone would build such a dirty power plant right across the street from a residential neighborhood,” said CLF attorney Johannes Epke. “Inefficient biomass plants like the one proposed here don’t make sense anywhere in 2023, and especially not in a community in Springfield already overburdened by air pollution. Burning wood for electricity worsens asthma and other respiratory conditions and sets us back in reaching mandatory climate goals, and the court made the right decision.”
Nov 30, 2023
COP28 is a reminder that local governments can act on climate even when political debate stymies global negotiations
Nov 21, 2023
“It’s plain and simple: burning wood pollutes our air and worsens the climate crisis,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “McNeil is a dirty facility that’s approaching the end of its life, and this proposal will give it a lifeline to pollute for years to come. From a climate perspective, we have no choice but to move past burning wood for electricity in favor of clean energy like wind and solar.”
Nov 08, 2023
The last thing we need is for this air- and climate-damaging plant to expand – which is why Burlington’s City Council should vote “no” on the proposed District Energy Project.
Nov 07, 2023
The climate crisis is here. That means we must not only focus on how to prevent future climate impacts but also on how to preserve life and prevent damage to our homes, neighborhoods, and cities today. Here’s how.
Nov 06, 2023
We’ve just seen the planet’s hottest summer. Torrential rains and flooding have cost billions and threatened lives in Vermont and Massachusetts. Ocean waters off our coast are heating more rapidly than any in North America, and wildfires have given us sore throats, dirty air, and brown skies. We need to do better. The ISO needs to pursue rapid change — now.
Nov 03, 2023
“While Shell tries every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis, our community is in danger,” said Darrèll Brown, vice president of CLF Rhode Island.
Nov 03, 2023
“While Shell tries every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis, our community is in danger” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “The evidence we have seen shows that the company has left this facility woefully unprepared for extreme weather. Major risks exist now and they’re only going to get worse as the oceans rise and storms intensify.”
Nov 02, 2023
On a small triangle of land between Bennington and Lawrence Streets stand picnic tables, corrugated metal beds bursting with flowers, and trees in planters of hot pink, lemon yellow, and royal blue. It’s an uplifting treat in this Lawrence, Massachusetts, neighborhood and a considerable contrast to what stood here before – a jumble of parked cars… Continue reading A Cool Place in the Neighborhood
Nov 01, 2023
Utility companies are not preparing for the cost of climate change-fueled weather, and consumers are paying for it.