Clearing the Air for New England
CLF is fighting to enforce anti-idling laws and protect communities from tailpipe pollution.
CLF is fighting to enforce anti-idling laws and protect communities from tailpipe pollution.
Scientists are finding neonicotinoids which are used by farmers on seeds are killing pollinators, and that threatens our food system. Now Vermont’s Pollinator Protection Bill seeks to protect our crops.
“Every year, vehicle emissions are linked to thousands of deaths in the northeast,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Large bus companies must be held accountable for ignoring idling laws designed to limit toxic emissions and protect public health. CLF filed this appeal to continue the fight for cleaner air in our communities.”
“It is unconscionable that anyone would build such a dirty power plant right across the street from a residential neighborhood,” said CLF attorney Johannes Epke. “Inefficient biomass plants like the one proposed here don’t make sense anywhere in 2023, and especially not in a community in Springfield already overburdened by air pollution. Burning wood for electricity worsens asthma and other respiratory conditions and sets us back in reaching mandatory climate goals, and the court made the right decision.”
The Conservation Law Foundation reached an agreement with Schnitzer Steel over heavy metal pollution going into the water in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico
“It’s about time this multi-billion-dollar company complied with the law,” said CLF attorney Chelsea Kendall. “Toxic runoff from Schnitzer’s facilities has been contaminating waters that people depend on for drinking and recreation. This $3 million settlement will go a long way towards cleaning up these rivers and ensuring the company ends this harmful pollution”
“It’s about time this multi-billion-dollar company complied with the law,” Conservation Law Foundation Attorney Chelsea Kendall said in a statement Monday. “Toxic runoff from Schnitzer’s facilities has been contaminating waters that people depend on for drinking and recreation. This $2 million settlement will go a long way towards cleaning up these rivers and ensuring the company ends this harmful pollution.”
A summer of extreme weather in New Hampshire has harmed the environment. It has also inspired citizens to take action.
Fossil fuel companies are pushing alternative fuels as solutions to the climate crisis – but those fuels aren’t solutions at all.
Mining Pickett Mountain would damage irreplaceable Maine wilderness, including protected lands, waters, and species.