Nov 30, 2016
Celebrating 50 Years of CLF Going Low-Carb Transforming New England’s Energy System Coal-Free New England Community Voices: The Clean Energy Landscape Web of Deceit Holding ExxonMobil Accountable for Its Decades of Climate Denial Community Voices: A Message to ExxonMobil A Tale of Two Rivers Boston Harbor 2.0 The New Frontier in the Fight to Save… Continue reading Conservation Matters Fall 2016
Sep 29, 2016
U.S. District Court Judge Paul Barbadoro approved the deal, which includes the state of New Hampshire, U.S. Department of Justice and the Conservation Law Foundation, on Thursday… …Tom Irwin, vice president and director of CLF New Hampshire, said the group is “pleased that both in his order and in comments from the bench that… Continue reading Portsmouth’s deal with EPA on sewer plant approved
Sep 29, 2016
On Thursday, the Boston-based Conservation Law Foundation filed a lawsuit against the largest oil and gas company in the US for leaking pollutants into the Island End and Mystic Rivers in and around Boston… …The Conservation Law Foundation is now trying a new tack, arguing that the company should have known that the rivers’… Continue reading ExxonMobil Should Have Considered Climate Change Before Polluting River In Boston, Lawsuit Claims
Sep 19, 2016
Emily K. Green is the Director of Clean Mobility for CLF Maine, where she focuses on climate change, clean energy, and transportation. Prior to joining CLF, Emily provided comprehensive legal services to Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection as an Assistant Attorney General. Emily earned her J.D. from Cornell Law School and her undergraduate degree from… Continue reading Emily Green
Aug 06, 2016
… “There were a lot of secondary challenges,” Shelley said. “At the time, I don’t think anyone had full knowledge of how badly the system had fallen. . . . We had no sense of how big of a mountain we were looking at in terms of the challenges, and no one understood it was going to… Continue reading After 30 Years, Court Marks Boston Harbor Cleanup
Jul 22, 2016
… At first glance, it may have looked like a rally or a protest, but those part of Thursday night’s event said the demonstration serves as a vigil for Lake Champlain. “A lot of people are very frustrated and they’re concerned,” said Rebekah Weber, Lake Keeper, Conservation Law Foundation. Read more here…
Jun 21, 2016
… Vermont set phosphorus pollution levels for Lake Champlain in 2002. The EPA reopened the TMDL limits in 2011 in response to a lawsuit filed in 2008 by the Conservation Law Foundation questioning the calculations. CLF is the host organization for Lake Champlain LakeKeeper Rebekah Weber. Read more here…
Jun 21, 2016
… However, the Conservation Law Foundation and its partner organizations oppose this delegation of authority to Massachusetts without adequate funding and without being able to explain the benefits the state is claiming will come from oversight of the program, said Caitlin Peale Sloan, a Conservation Law Foundation staff attorney. “We’ve already seen over the last… Continue reading Massachusetts to Seek Water Permitting Authority
Jun 17, 2016
… In 2008, Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) filed a federal lawsuit that said pollution targets set in 2002 weren’t good enough. “We felt like it was insufficient for protecting the health of the lake,” says Conservation Law Foundation Staff Attorney Elena Mihaly. “The court found in our favor and there was a settlement agreement,and the… Continue reading EPA Finalizes Lake Champlain Pollution Targets With Increased Accountability Measures
Jun 07, 2016
… The city reached a tentative deal with the EPA and Conservation Law Foundation in March to extend the deadline for when it must complete a new wastewater treatment plant on Peirce Island. Read more here…