Feb 24, 2017
The Conservation Law Foundation official has not ruled out taking legal action against the Coakley Landfill Group. Tom Irwin, vice president and director of CLF New Hampshire, said “it’s an option we’ve not dismissed” when asked during an editorial board meeting Wednesday if it’s something CLF has considered. “I’ll just say it’s a possibility at… Continue reading CLF says legal action possible against Coakley Landfill Group
Feb 17, 2017
Scott Pruitt is more than just a threat to our environment – he’s a threat to our economy, our safety, and our entire way of life. The stakes are too high to stand idly by. CLF is ready for the fight.
Feb 09, 2017
This past year was big for clean water in Vermont. The pollution limits for Lake Champlain were finalized, and a slew of new rules for agriculture, development and wastewater were established. CLF fought hard to shape these new policies to protect the environment and to ensure we have regular check-ins and honest accounting on how… Continue reading What’s Next for Clean Water in Vermont
Feb 02, 2017
“CLF has been at the forefront of some of Rhode Island’s seminal environmental triumphs, and it is an honor to be leading such an impressive and accomplished team in the fights ahead,” said Moses. “In the past year alone, CLF has held polluters accountable for endangering our waters, protected the people of Johnston from a toxic landfill, and helped bring offshore wind to our state. We are certain to face countless uphill battles in the years to come, and I know CLF is ready to tackle them.”
Jan 26, 2017
New Hampshire is not a huge state. But, it is home to almost 5,000 dams – some active, some in disrepair, and some abandoned. That large number can now be reduced by one. The Great Dam in Exeter is no more. Great Bay is fed by seven freshwater rivers – and now two are without head-of-tide dams. In 1638,… Continue reading The Great Dam Is History
Jan 24, 2017
“There is no doubt that a significant investment in clean water is essential for the economy, property values, tourism, recreation and the environment, and the question now is how we are going to get there,” said Rebekah Weber, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper. “Today the governor took a big step in the right direction, but his funding plan falls short of what we need to ensure safe, healthy water for all Vermonters. By doubling his proposed investment and extending it beyond the next two years, Governor Scott can send a strong message that ensuring clean water must be a top priority.”
Jan 17, 2017
As the country girds itself for the incoming Trump administration, we can draw lessons from the experience of Mainers under Governor Paul LePage, who remarked that, before Trump was Trump, LePage was LePage. The parallels to the Trump administration are notable. Like President-elect Trump, Governor LePage did not receive a majority of votes when he… Continue reading Been There, Stopped That: Survival Lessons for a Trump Presidency from Maine
Jan 11, 2017
CLF has filed a lawsuit against the redeveloper of the site of the Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for violating the Clean Water Act. Pollution from the site is fouling local waterways, including the Great Bay estuary, with numerous pollutants, including toxic chemicals of growing concern. From Air Force Base to a… Continue reading CLF Sues the Pease Development Authority to Clean Up Toxic Stormwater Pollution
Dec 08, 2016
The cleanup of Boston Harbor wasn’t Senior Counsel Peter Shelley’s first big case with CLF (as a third-year law student in the late 1970s, he was part of the landmark effort to stop oil and gas drilling on Georges Bank), but it has certainly been the most iconic of his long career with the organization.… Continue reading From the Trenches: Peter Shelley and Boston Harbor
Dec 08, 2016
Roseann Bongiovanni is a lifelong Chelsea resident who has led significant environmental justice campaigns for more than 21 years. She is the Executive Director of GreenRoots, Inc., an organization dedicated to achieving environmental and climate justice for Chelsea. Growing up in Chelsea and neighboring Everett, many in our community, myself included, never realized we were… Continue reading Community Voices: A Message to ExxonMobil