Aug 02, 2018

New Hampshire Fish Hatchery Pollutes Iconic Waterways Causing Public Health Risks

“It’s unthinkable what this State facility has done to the Merrymeeting River, degrading its health and putting the public’s health at risk with cyanobacteria outbreaks,” said Tom Irwin, Director of CLF New Hampshire. “During the heart of the summer, people want to swim, boat, and enjoy New Hampshire’s rivers and lakes. They don’t want to be told ‘stay out.’ It’s time for our leaders to protect the public health and the health of our waters by putting an end to illegal pollution from this facility.”

Jul 30, 2018

CLF Challenges Permits that Increase Pollution into Lake Champlain

“Vermont cannot be a champion of conservation when state authorities are giving towns the green light to dump more toxic pollution into Lake Champlain,” said Elena Mihaly, Staff Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation. “Lake Champlain is a natural treasure and economic driver for Vermont and it is the agency’s obligation to protect our waters. Granting permits that will increase pollution flowing into this iconic lake is irresponsible, reckless, and unlawful.”

Algae blooms phosphorus pollution
Jul 26, 2018

Conservation Matters Summer 2018

The prosperity of future generations of New Englanders depends on the health of our waters and marine resources and the public’s ability to access them.

CLF Conservation Matters Summer 2018
Jul 20, 2018

10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Our Waters

Nutrient pollution impacts waterways across New England, from Lake Champlain to Narragansett Bay. These waters all carry excess levels of nitrogen or phosphorous – a problem caused by fertilizer running off of farms and lawns and animal waste from confined animal feeding operations. Another major cause is human sewage improperly treated by septic systems or overflowed… Continue reading 10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Our Waters

Jul 20, 2018

Coventry Landfill Expansion: An Unnecessary Evil

The Coventry Landfill sits on over 600 acres in northern Vermont, and Casella Waste wants to expand it an additional 51 acres. This expansion is unnecessary and dangerous to the health of Vermonters.

Jul 09, 2018

Summer in Maine, Thanks to CLF

It’s finally summer in Maine – and that means lots of opportunities to get outside and enjoy everything from whale watching, to fishing, to visiting our local farmers’ markets. CLF works every day to protect the things we all love about these long, hot days in Vacationland – not only because of the opportunities for… Continue reading Summer in Maine, Thanks to CLF

Jul 05, 2018

Scott Pruitt Resigns from EPA

“Don’t be fooled by the devil on his way out the door because there’s another one waiting in the wings,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “There is no doubt that the next EPA administrator will be another Scott Pruitt—in bed with the fossil fuel industry and rolling back environmental protections with a vengeance.”

Jun 27, 2018

Conservation Law Foundation in Court Against Shell

“Shell’s facility is an accident waiting to happen,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “One severe storm could result in the terminal spilling toxic chemicals into the Providence River and surrounding communities. The company has failed to prepare the facility for the effects of climate change, even as sea levels continue to rise and stronger storms are becoming more frequent. We will continue the fight to protect the community and our environment from the dangers posed by this terminal.”