Aug 14, 2020

EPA Moves To Reduce Runoff That Feeds Toxic Algae In Charles River

The Charles River has been hit by toxic algae blooms almost every summer in recent years. The blooms — which can be dangerous for people, pets and the river’s ecosystem — are fed by hot sunny days and storm runoff containing nutrients, especially phosphorus.

Aug 14, 2020

Vermont Regulators Consider New Toxic Chemical Rules

“We should never have to wonder if the water coming out of our taps is safe,” said Jen Duggan, Director of CLF Vermont. “The federal government has utterly failed to protect us from these toxic forever chemicals, so it is up to Vermont to take action. Vermonters must make their voices heard and tell regulators to put standards in place that get all of these chemicals out of our water once and for all.”

PFAS chemicals threaten drinking water
Aug 14, 2020

Protecting the Charles River from Polluters

“Polluted stormwater is poisoning the Charles River, leading to blooms of dangerous algae,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “The blooms can sicken humans and pets which means boat and swim races are increasingly cancelled in the summer months and people are unable to use this precious resource. Large properties surrounding the Charles River have gotten a free pass to pollute for too long, and now’s the time for EPA to finally hold them accountable.” 

Aug 13, 2020

Shell seeks dismissal of suit alleging climate-change threats to Providence fuel terminal

“Climate change is real. The impacts of climate change are actionable,” Chris Kilian, a lawyer for the foundation, said at a hearing in the case on Thursday. “Climate change is already having documented and major impacts in Rhode Island and, more specifically, has been identified as a present and increasing threat in the Port of Providence.”

Aug 07, 2020

Barnstable, Willowbend Country Club face potential lawsuits

The environmental advocacy organization says it intends to sue the town of Barnstable and Willowbend Country Club in Mashpee for violating the federal Clean Water Act by discharging and adding pollutants into Lewis Bay and Popponesset Bay. The foundation sent notices to Barnstable and Willowbend on Wednesday, calling for both to put in place proven technology to significantly reduce nitrogen pollution or it would file lawsuit

Aug 06, 2020

Cape Cod Facilities Contributing to Scourge of Toxic Algae

“Cape Cod’s bays and ponds are facing disaster,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “As these facilities continue to dump harmful levels of nitrogen, the climate crisis is warming these waters and making them even more susceptible to toxic algae outbreaks. We will continue to hold these polluters accountable until every last one has stopped pouring pollutants into waters that belong to all of us.”

Aug 05, 2020

Vermont Must Do More to Keep Drinking Water Safe

Although the State has taken important first steps to clean up our drinking water, the work will not be done until we stop chasing these chemicals down one by one and remove all PFAS from water supplies.

Connecticut River, Vermont
Jul 23, 2020

Guest Post: Protecting Water for Wildlife and the People Who Love It

Birdwatchers know that visiting a healthy wetland, vernal pool, or small stream can help boost sightings since the presence of water plus plant and insect diversity is a bird magnet. MassAudubon is fighting with CLF to protect our waters from the Trump administration’s rollbacks.

Christina Wiseman MassAudubon
Jul 22, 2020

Conservation Matters Summer 2020: Year in Review

In times of change and upheaval, there is also room for hope and inspiration. While we collectively have much hard work ahead of us, we also have much to commend. Our hope is that this report offers insight into the work that your support makes possible – and inspiration for what we know we can accomplish together.

Conservation Matters Summer 2020
Jul 16, 2020

CLF is Challenging the Trump EPA Over Water Protection Rollbacks

This spring, the Trump administration reversed stronger protections for our nation’s waters, putting people, animals, and local businesses at risk. CLF and our partners are fighting this latest attack: We’re taking the administration to court.  

Mystic River