Sep 22, 2022

Manchin ‘Side Deal’ Would Roll Back Bedrock Environmental Protections

“This bill is a thinly veiled attempt to shut out community input and roll back bedrock environmental protections like the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act — effectively green-lighting scores of bad fossil fuel projects and stymying the just and clean energy transition President Biden says he supports,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell.

Sep 15, 2022

N.H. Senate Fails to Override Landfill Siting Veto

“All landfills eventually leak. While we ultimately need to move away from burying our waste, we need to make sure landfills are safe for New Hampshire in the meantime,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President CLF New Hampshire.

landfill with garbage trucks
Sep 14, 2022

After Threat of Lawsuit, EPA Commits to Reducing Toxic Stormwater Pollution in Charles, Mystic, and Neponset Rivers

“During every heavy rainfall, a toxic soup of pollutants flows into our most iconic rivers, threatening water quality, wildlife, and people,” said Heather Govern, CLF’s Vice President of Clean Air and Water. “The EPA has announced a first step to protect these rivers, but the agency must now commit to a firm date when they will issue a draft permit. The longer the permits take, the longer the damage continues.” 

Sep 08, 2022

Watch: Big Oil’s Climate Denial Puts Our Communities at Risk

Darrèll Brown, vice president of CLF’s Rhode Island Advocacy Center, talks about the organization’s work to hold Big Oil accountable for failing to prepare its coastal facilities for the climate impacts its polluting products have caused.

Oil Storage Facility
Sep 08, 2022

EPA Joins CLF Lawsuit Against New Hampshire Fish Hatchery

“Significant pollution has plagued the Merrymeeting River and threatened Lake Winnipesaukee for many years,” said Tom Irwin, CLF Vice President for New Hampshire. “The EPA clearly saw the importance of this case and chose to intervene to protect the health of these waters. While there is still some process remaining, we’re on a path to resolving this case and ending this harmful pollution.”

Sep 01, 2022

5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

As CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper, Julie Silverman is helping to weave together a complex fabric of people and places working to protect and restore Lake Champlain and the network of rivers and streams that flow into it. What drew you to Lake Champlain? I grew up close to the lake, spending summers swimming, sailing, waterskiing,… Continue reading 5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

Julie Silverman, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper
Aug 15, 2022

Regenerative Agriculture for New England

Regenerative farmers can play a role in combatting the climate crisis. However, if more farmers are to transition to climate-smart regenerative agriculture, they need sufficient technical and financial support. 

Regenerative Agriculture in New England