Jun 21, 2022

RI House Passes PFAS Protection Bill

“PFAS chemicals are a toxic scourge on our environment and our health,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “These forever chemicals have no place in our water, and this bill will help ensure that Rhode Islanders can feel confident that our drinking water is safe. We look forward to Governor McKee signing this bill into law, and we urge the Department of Health to work quickly to adopt a permanent drinking water standard.”

Photo: Rhode Island State Capitol Building
Jun 01, 2022

CLF Opposes Dumping of Radioactive Wastewater in Cape Cod Bay

“Cape Cod Bay is not a dumping ground for toxic waste,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “Alternate methods of disposal for the radioactive water are available and Holtec must abandon all efforts to dispose of it in the bay immediately. The effects on the health of the bay, marine life, and the public are largely unknown but could be disastrous.”

Apr 28, 2022

CLF Sues Mass. Water Resources Authority

“MWRA plays a vital role in keeping our local waters clean and safe, but we’ve uncovered significant problems in how it responds to unsafe levels of pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “When the agency doesn’t do its job, sewage loaded with toxic industrial pollution threatens the decades of progress we’ve made in cleaning up Boston Harbor.”

Apr 07, 2022

CLF Settles Clean Air Act Lawsuit Against Paul Revere Transportation

“Idling vehicles spread toxic tailpipe pollution into some of Boston’s most vulnerable neighborhoods – communities already overburdened with harmful emissions and asthma,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “CLF’s settlement with Paul Revere will promote a healthier Roxbury by reducing excessive idling and by supporting urban farming and green spaces.”

Apr 04, 2022

CLF Sues Nylon Corp. of America for Polluting the Merrimack River

address Clean Water Act violations at its nylon manufacturing facility in Manchester, NH. The company’s wastewater and stormwater discharges are polluting the Merrimack River with toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

“Communities and wildlife depend on a clean and safe Merrimack River, and Nylon is contaminating it with toxic pollutants,” said Erica Kyzmir-McKeon, CLF staff attorney. “The company is breaking the law, and it must be held accountable for these Clean Water Act violations immediately. Each day that passes means more harmful pollution is flowing into the Merrimack, and this is completely unacceptable.”

Mar 28, 2022

CLF Sues First Transit for Clean Air Act Violations

“Dangerous tailpipe pollution worsens the climate crisis and threatens public health,” said CLF staff attorney Shannon Laun. “First Transit is ignoring important laws designed to curb these emissions, and it’s time they are held responsible. This company must stop poisoning the air in the communities in which they operate.”

Mar 16, 2022

Environmental Groups Ask EPA to Fix Vermont’s Clean Water Enforcement Challenges

“The ongoing turf war between these two state agencies is harming water quality in Vermont,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “Farmers have made great progress reducing pollution from their properties, but that progress is being hindered by this irreparable bureaucratic conflict. The Agency of Natural Resources should be solely responsible for overseeing the Clean Water Act, and we’re asking the EPA to make sure that happens.”

Mar 03, 2022

Dangerous Pollution Puts New England’s Iconic Rivers at Risk

New England’s industrial rivers are starting to turn a new page thanks to the Clean Water Act. But more work needs to be done. The Blackstone River still suffers from industrial pollution, including lead, iron, oil, grease, and foam. The Mystic River also endures harmful levels of oil, grease, foam, and petroleum pollution, while aluminum contaminates the Merrimack River.

A scrap metal facility with a large pile of rusted cars, trucks and other trash.
Feb 23, 2022

Mass. Water Resources Authority Failing to Protect Water Quality

“Boston’s coastal waters are at risk of dangerous, toxic pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “The public spent millions to clean up Boston Harbor decades ago, and sustaining that incredible progress requires MWRA get serious about doing its job properly.”