Sep 01, 2022

5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

As CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper, Julie Silverman is helping to weave together a complex fabric of people and places working to protect and restore Lake Champlain and the network of rivers and streams that flow into it. What drew you to Lake Champlain? I grew up close to the lake, spending summers swimming, sailing, waterskiing,… Continue reading 5 Questions with Julie Silverman, CLF’s Lake Champlain Lakekeeper

Julie Silverman, Lake Champlain Lakekeeper
Aug 15, 2022

Regenerative Agriculture for New England

Regenerative farmers can play a role in combatting the climate crisis. However, if more farmers are to transition to climate-smart regenerative agriculture, they need sufficient technical and financial support. 

Regenerative Agriculture in New England
Aug 08, 2022

A Tale of Two Rivers

In one part of Boston, there’s the Charles River. In another, the Mystic. Both were once heavily polluted. But where the Charles has become the poster child of environmental success, the Mystic tells a different tale – one that exposes a region divided along racial and economic lines. 

Charles River and Mystic River
Aug 03, 2022

Breaking Down Big Plastic

Big Plastic is working to block progress on laws to regulate plastic pollution. Here’s how CLF and our allies are fighting back.

Plastic bottle in recycling machine
Jul 11, 2022

The Truth About “Advanced Recycling” Systems

So-called “advanced recycling” is a ruse. The term is part of a larger disinformation – or greenwashing – campaign. That campaign’s goal: to distract lawmakers and the public from real solutions to the world’s plastic crisis.

Jul 01, 2022

Chris Fastie, Ph.D.

Chris Fastie, Ph.D., is an ecologist with research contributions in forest succession, wildfire, insect disturbance, and treeline response to climate change. He is based in Vermont but his scientific investigations during the last 30 years have been almost exclusively in Alaska. Recently, Chris has been involved in advocacy in Vermont related to pesticide use, water… Continue reading Chris Fastie, Ph.D.