Apr 15, 2019
If Connecticut wants to cut disposal and recycling costs, and if the state wants to increase redemption rates, and improve the quality of recyclables to avoid prices tanking in the future, the Bottle Bill is one of the best tools we have.
Apr 11, 2019
American recycling is in a crisis. But this crisis is a chance to create a better system for tomorrow. Today’s products and their packaging are often made from plastic and designed for disposal. By holding the producers of those products accountable for their polluting products, we can create a system that’s better for our communities and better for our planet.
Apr 10, 2019
Take the Zero Waste Challenge and fight toxic landfills by cutting plastic in your life.
Apr 03, 2019
Kirstie Pecci of the Conservation Law Foundation said the movement to ban plastic bags is “really rolling right now.” She said advocates are not asking people to give up all plastic products but that most plastic is unnecessary and plastic bags are “one of the most replaceable items and should be the most low-hanging fruit.”
Apr 02, 2019
The Rhode Island Task Force to Tackle Plastics has finished up its work with a recommendation for a statewide ban on single-use plastics. We support such a move, but it’s just the start of what needs to be done to deal with plastic pollution.
Mar 26, 2019
“I love all of New England,” Kirstie Pecci, senior fellow at the Conservation Law Foundation, wrote in a regional update email Tuesday. “I am busting my butt every day to move towards Zero Waste through the whole region.”
Mar 01, 2019
Stop landfills from poisoning our air and water.
Feb 16, 2019
One bill sponsored by Stoneham Democratic state Rep. Michael Day seeks to help save taxpayer dollars spent trying to recycle what the Conservation Law Foundation describes as wasteful packaging. Another piece of legislation supported by CLF would require all large-scale fleets of vehicles in Massachusetts — public and private — to go electric by 2035.
Feb 06, 2019
CLF is focusing this session on five critical areas of groundbreaking, proactive legislation: cutting carbon pollution, boosting clean transportation, reducing plastic pollution in our environment, and preparing our cities and towns for climate change impacts. Learn more about the bills before the legislature and how you can get involved.
Dec 27, 2018
Dozens of these private composting operations have sprouted up across the country in recent years. They’re helping to encourage the public conversation about composting and meeting a demand that could lead to continued growth, says Kirstie Pecci, a senior fellow at the Conservation Law Foundation.