Jun 19, 2019
“The best way to handle this is not to build landfill gas-to-energy systems or to capture the methane, because you’re never going to capture all of it,” Pecci said. “The best way to handle this is to keep our food scraps, our yard waste, our textiles, our paper and cardboard out of the landfill entirely.”
Jun 18, 2019
Jen Duggan, director of the Vermont Conservation Law Foundation, says cities and counties that have passed bag bans often defined prohibited bags by their thickness or applied measurements requiring that it carry a certain weight a certain distance. “What happened was the bag makers flooded the markets with thicker bags,” she says.
Jun 17, 2019
“Plastic bags are used for mere minutes before they poison our communities and our bodies for years,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of the Zero Waste Project at CLF. “We cannot recycle our way out of this. Banning single-use plastics is the only way to protect our health and environment from this dangerous blight on our communities.”
Jun 05, 2019
Wheelabrator cannot be allowed to ignore those whose lives are most directly affected by its proposal to expand its massive ash landfill in Saugus, Massachusetts.
May 24, 2019
“Simply put, Vermont is leading the nation in dealing with the toxic blight of single-use plastics,” Jen Duggan, vice president and director of Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) Vermont, told Waste Dive
May 21, 2019
Stop plastic from harming our air, water, and health.
May 15, 2019
Connecticut lawmakers are debating a bill right now that would help keep millions of bottles and cans out of Connecticut’s parks, beaches, and streets every year – at no cost to taxpayers. But the bill won’t pass if the plastics industry and big beverage brands get their way.
May 13, 2019
This blog was first published as an opinion piece in the Connecticut Mirror on April 15, 2019. Suddenly, recycling is costing cities and towns across Connecticut money. The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities reported that China Sword – China’s new policy of refusing United States’ plastic and paper recyclables – has flipped the economics of Connecticut’s… Continue reading It’s Time to Update Connecticut’s Bottle Bill
May 02, 2019
Several states, and roughly three hundred U.S. cities and towns, have banned single-use plastic bags. Now, several states in New England, including New Hampshire, are considering similar bans. Kirstie Pecci joins The Exchange to talk more about what we can do to reduce plastic pollution.
Apr 24, 2019
Plastics are everywhere, and they aren’t all recyclable. Until there’s a new system that creates a structure for using less plastic from the beginning, here’s a handy guide to what can and can’t go in the bin.