Nov 09, 2020

CLF Appeals Permit Allowing Bethlehem Landfill Expansion

“Continuing to expand polluting landfills is the last thing New Hampshire needs,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The state got it right the first time when it determined there is no need for this landfill expansion. It’s time – at long last – for New Hampshire to make good on its policy of reducing waste, rather perpetuating its burial of it in landfills and putting our communities at risk.”

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Oct 15, 2020

Trash Incineration in Providence Has Met Its Match

The City of Providence took a critical step in creating a zero-waste future and protecting its communities by banning trash incineration. The ban provides a model that other communities throughout the region can follow.

polluting emissions
Sep 18, 2020

The Great Flood of Single-Use Packaging

Recycling is confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. By holding Big Corporations responsible for the flood of single-use packaging they create, we can incentivize them to redesign their products and containers to be truly recyclable, or better yet, reusable.

Illustration Title Page
Sep 10, 2020

Infographic: Our Waste is Trashing Our Climate

Burning and burying our trash leads to carbon pollution. We need to phase out these old, polluting incinerators and landfills and replace them with zero-waste alternatives. By doing so, we can help lower climate-damaging emissions and protect our communities and the environment.

landfill with garbage trucks
Sep 08, 2020

To Bury or to Burn Our Trash? That’s the Wrong Question.

We don’t have good systems for dealing with our waste other than throwing a mix of toxic junk into our garbage cans. But we could. The truth is, it’s not a question of whether we should bury or burn our waste. What we should be asking is this: how do we produce less trash?

Woman with shovel in one hand and a flame in the other
Sep 02, 2020

10 Zero Waste Tips to Slash Trash in Your Life

Making any life change takes time, and the same goes for slashing your trash – including what goes in your recycling bin. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips to help you get started.

go zero waste to slash your trash
Aug 31, 2020

Infographic: 5 Items You Can Repurpose at Home

One of the best ways to slash your trash is to reuse or repurpose what you already have, rather than buying something new. Check out this infographic and see how you can give these five items new life.

glass jars storing leftovers
Aug 28, 2020

Slash Your Trash and Advocate for Zero Waste

For too long we’ve relied on outdated and polluting systems to deal with our trash. What we need are new, sustainable systems that aim to reduce the trash in our lives, while protecting our people and our planet. And we can make that happen right now.

compost bin with food scraps