Mar 08, 2021

What Not to Do with Food Waste: A Cautionary Tale

Cambridge partnered with a local composter in 2018 to start a curbside compost program. But as more residents signed-up, the volume of food scraps increased. Cambridge accommodated the growth by finding a new partner. It signed with Waste Management – a partnership that has put the City’s food scraps to waste.

lemon and orange food scraps
Mar 05, 2021

What You Need to Know About Zero Waste

Is the systemic idea of Zero Waste actually possible? Yes! But to do so, we need to stop looking at Zero Waste as just a lifestyle and start looking at it as a strategic concept for managing our waste – and tackling the trash crisis.

zero waste refill shop
Feb 14, 2021

Lawsuit Aims To Block New N.H. Landfill Permits Under Outdated Trash Plan

“DES has been operating with a state solid waste plan that was published in 2003 and expired in 2009,” Irwin said. “Our lawsuit is designed to require DES to come into compliance with the law, start planning in ways that will allow New Hampshire to begin reducing the amount of waste it throws away, and move New Hampshire away from its current overreliance on landfills.”

Feb 11, 2021

New Hampshire Unlawfully Issuing Waste Permits

“State officials are blatantly ignoring the law and communities are suffering as a result,” said CLF New Hampshire attorney Heidi Trimarco. “The state is legally required to have an updated solid waste plan before approving landfill permits, yet it has green-lighted several landfill expansions since the last plan was completed in 2003. Instead of committing to waste reduction and diversion efforts as part of a new solid waste plan, New Hampshire has become a dumping ground for out-of-state waste.” 

landfill with garbage trucks
Feb 08, 2021

Plastic and foam ban is still the right policy for Maine

Laws that reduce the demand and availability of plastic products like Maine’s ban on plastic bags and polystyrene foam containers are critical to halting this build out of plastic production facilities. These bans will drastically reduce the harm these products have on the environment, slash the skyrocketing waste management and recycling costs for cities and towns, and cut down on the overall demand for plastics.

Jan 23, 2021

It’s time for the nation’s oldest trash incinerator, in Saugus, to go

“Ash is blowing around, it’s definitely getting wet and going into the marsh and it’s definitely getting into people’s lungs,” said Kirstie Pecci, Zero Waste Project director at the Conservation Law Foundation, which has been working with residents to stop the landfill expanding.

Jan 20, 2021

New Bethlehem Landfill Operations Must Not Begin

“It simply makes sense to wait until the permit appeals process is finished before allowing this landfill to accept more waste,” said Heidi Trimarco, Staff Attorney for CLF New Hampshire. “This final proposed stage of the Bethlehem landfill is not needed, and it undermines both the state’s waste reduction goal and requirements for reducing landfilling. It’s time we stop relying on endless landfill expansions and start protecting communities by recycling, composting, and reducing waste at the source.”

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Dec 16, 2020

Opinion/Paly: Don’t delay ban on single-use plastics

Portsmouth’s bold and important single-use ordinances were supported widely when approved a year ago. Immediate implementation of these ordinances presents an opportunity to get going with an initiative to reduce waste, save taxpayer money, and improve the health and wellbeing of our community and environment.

Nov 24, 2020

Got Thanksgiving Leftovers? Here’s What to Do with Them This Year

In true 2020 fashion, many families are having small-scale get-togethers or opting for virtual celebrations this Thanksgiving. With less people, that means being even more careful not to overbuy and waste food – because food waste can be terribly damaging to the environment. So let’s think about this for a second – what can you do to waste less food this Thanksgiving?

Photo: Thanksgiving dinner food