Sep 05, 2023

The Truth about Hydrogen

Big Gas and Oil and utility companies are urging us to use hydrogen like we do other fossil fuels – which will damage the climate and our health

A 3-D rendering of the hydrogen molecule. One is in focus towards the right hand of the image, with a few more in the background not in focus. The image, including the molecules, are varying shades of blue.
Aug 11, 2023

CLF Opposing “Renewable” Gas Facility on VT Farm

“The Bellevue Project makes no economic or environmental sense,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “Vermont should prioritize projects that help farms avoid producing climate-damaging emissions in the first place. Projects like this one generate as much polluting methane as possible, lock farms into industrial dairying, and saddle Vermonters with the bill for expensive, unnecessary gas infrastructure.”

Jul 17, 2023

CT is falling behind on climate

Connecticut is not on track to meet its climate goals. Even worse, the state has pursued an accounting gimmick to cover up its lack of real progress.

Jun 13, 2023

Mass. Commits $50 Million to Green Bank

“Fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis and its impacts in our communities,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Couple that with the dire shortage of affordable housing for those who need it most, and this green bank is filling a huge need here in Massachusetts. Polluting emissions from buildings are a scourge on our health and the planet, and this fund will go a long way towards ending our addiction to fossil fuels.”

Massachusetts State House