Aug 10, 2017

Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

By Caitlin Peale Sloan and Max Greene In July, Governor Malloy released a long-awaited Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut. While it shows Connecticut’s interest in cutting carbon pollution, this strategy will not help the state reach its clean energy goals. Instead, it would further Connecticut’s reliance on dirty gas and destructive gas pipelines. What the… Continue reading Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy

Aug 03, 2017

Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has now openly denied the scientific consensus that climate change is primarily caused by excess heat-trapping carbon in our atmosphere. Initially, we were hopeful the governor might rise above partisan politics and family prejudices (his brother Michael is an outspoken climate denier) to take a responsible position on climate change.… Continue reading Denier: Governor Sununu Says Global Warming May Not Be Caused by Carbon Emissions