Sep 29, 2017

Why We Need Solar Energy Now

We all know that climate change is a big problem. From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy. In the last five years, the amount of power generated by solar panels has… Continue reading Why We Need Solar Energy Now

Sep 19, 2017

New Regulations Signal End of Fossil Fuel Power in Massachusetts

In August, Massachusetts announced new regulations that take a critical step forward in ensuring we meet our 2050 climate goals – signaling the beginning of the end of fossil fuels in the Commonwealth. These new regulations were issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) as the result of a unanimous decision by the state’s… Continue reading New Regulations Signal End of Fossil Fuel Power in Massachusetts

Sep 18, 2017

Vermonters: Speak Up on Climate Action!

The devastation left by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma shows that bold action is needed now — and needed everywhere — to cut climate-damaging emissions. We can build stronger communities by hastening our transformation to cleaner, renewable energy. Renewable energy not only reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions, but also provides good local jobs. This summer, Vermont’s… Continue reading Vermonters: Speak Up on Climate Action!

Sep 15, 2017

How New England States Are Celebrating National Drive Electric Week

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — National Drive Electric Week! This annual event is a week-long, national celebration that showcases the benefits of electric vehicles (“EVs”). Whether you already own an electric car or are curious about what it’s like to drive one, we encourage you to explore a local #NDEW2017 event.… Continue reading How New England States Are Celebrating National Drive Electric Week

Photo: Electric car charging
Aug 28, 2017

New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island

Each year, New England’s six governors and Eastern Canada’s five premiers gather to talk about the biggest issues facing the region. And naturally, climate change and clean energy are always on the table. It’s a critical meeting of regional leaders, one that can act as a springboard for individual action in each state and province.… Continue reading New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Talk Energy on Prince Edward’s Island