Sep 11, 2018

Massachusetts Stands with CLF Against Climate-Damaging Pollution

Last week, the highest court in Massachusetts unanimously ruled that power generators must drastically cut their carbon pollution year after year through 2050. In doing so, the high court recognized the incontrovertible fact that carbon pollution damages our climate, threatens our health, and hurts our economy. It was the second time the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial… Continue reading Massachusetts Stands with CLF Against Climate-Damaging Pollution

Aug 08, 2018

Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

When the Rhode Island General Assembly convened for its 2018 session, CLF and our partners focused on several key measures aimed at combating climate change, reforming how energy projects are sited, and protecting our waters from offshore drilling. With progress on these issues stalled (or moving in reverse) at the national level, state and local… Continue reading Rhode Island General Assembly Fails to Make Progress on Environmental Initiatives, But Some Bad Bills Defeated

Jul 31, 2018

Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

This week, Massachusetts had a chance to make meaningful progress on clean energy. With a slew of bills in front of them, the legislature was poised to minimize electricity costs, bolster local job growth, and protect its people from the worst effects of climate change. Instead, our legislators made only half-hearted nods towards progress, falling… Continue reading Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

The Massachusetts Legislature missed their chance to lead on energy today. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
May 22, 2018

Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

New analysis from the regional grid operator, ISO New England (ISO), confirms what CLF and other experts have been saying for some time: New England doesn’t need expensive natural gas pipelines to keep the lights on and our homes warm even during our harshest winters. In fact, thanks to the growth of clean, renewable energy,… Continue reading Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.