Feb 14, 2020
UPDATE: Rhode Island has still not corrected how it measures dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. The State continues to dramatically underestimate the amount of methane – an extremely potent greenhouse gas – leaking from its pipes. To ensure Rhode Island makes real progress in cutting its carbon pollution, the legislature should adopt the Act On Climate 2020 bill – which would turn the State’s existing emission reduction goals into mandatory targets and hold the State accountable for achieving them.
Feb 12, 2020
From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy.
Feb 10, 2020
Vermont’s legislature hit the ground running this year. Lawmakers are taking up critical bills to tackle climate change – bills that put the state on a path to slash polluting emissions while making sure rural communities and hardworking Vermonters prosper.
Feb 05, 2020
The Act On Climate 2020 bill is the bold action Rhode Island needs now to address the climate crisis. It provides mandates that are consistent with current science, an accountability mechanism to make sure the state is taking action, and transparency through public metrics and an online dashboard.
Feb 04, 2020
“We have a history of having these really important goals on the books and not making sufficient progress to meet them.” — Jen Duggan, Conservation Law Foundation
Jan 31, 2020
Every winter the gas industry tries to scare us, claiming there isn’t enough gas during cold snaps to heat and power our homes. Their solution? More fracked gas and new, expensive gas pipelines. But we don’t have to buy into their propaganda. We have all the power we need without expensive new pipelines.
Jan 29, 2020
“We have many options for heating our homes,” says Greg Cunningham, Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Alternatives like heat pumps avoid the use of oil and natural gas furnaces, which pollute our environment and damage our climate.”
Jan 27, 2020
Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But times have changed. Today, clean, renewable energy can be harnessed right where we live, so electricity doesn’t have to come from polluting power plants miles away. But we have to update our electricity grid to take advantage of it.
Jan 26, 2020
At a time when the federal government is utterly failing to protect us from the impacts of climate change, we need state-level policies like TCI more than ever. If it’s done right, we will all see the benefits.
Jan 24, 2020
CLF’ers Elena Mihaly and Tom Irwin show that you don’t have to live in a major city, or even on a paved road, to benefit from driving an electric car.