Oct 30, 2020

Climate Inaction Is a Horror Show in the Making

These days, the scariest monster I can conjure wears a tailored suit and sits behind the desk of a dirty oil or gas company deliberately blocking climate action. Runner up is another man in a suit – a legislator too scared to stand up to that fossil fuel executive and protect the people who voted him into office.

Climate inaction made the California wildfires much worse
Oct 01, 2020

Climate Change Is the Threat of Our Lifetime

New England is extremely vulnerable to climate change. It’s a crisis not only for the environment, but also for the health of our communities. It will take systemic change in the way we do business, the way we govern, and the way we guide people to solve climate change and move into the next century.

We must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change
Sep 22, 2020

With Your Help, Vermont Makes Critical Climate Progress

After months of work by Vermonters across the state – and despite a veto from Governor Scott – the Global Warming Solutions Act is now the law of the land in the Green Mountain State. This critical bill will slash carbon pollution while building resilient communities and looking after our most vulnerable neighbors.

Vermont's state house in autumn
Sep 22, 2020

Vermont Takes Action on Climate Despite Veto

“Climate change is an urgent public health crisis and procrastination and denial are not solutions,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “Our legislators clearly understand the reality and provided the leadership necessary to fight this crisis with everything we’ve got. It’s time to get to work so that no one is left behind.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Sep 22, 2020

What Is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

A Renewable Energy Certificate is a way to measure and track the production of clean energy. It’s how states and utilities track how much clean energy is being produced by renewable energy sources and which electrical utilities are buying that power.

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Sep 21, 2020

What Is a Renewable Portfolio Standard?

A Renewable Portfolio Standard is a way for states to ensure their electric utilities – and by extension, the states themselves – are making progress on clean energy. The best policies heavily emphasize clean renewables like wind and solar.

A Renewable Portfolio Standard helps boost jobs in the clean energy industry
Sep 17, 2020

Vermont House Overrides Governor’s Climate Veto

“We can’t afford to let politics get in the way of preparing Vermont for the climate crisis,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “The science is clear: the longer we kick the can down the road on dealing with climate impacts, the more disastrous it will be for our communities. Today, our Representatives overwhelmingly voted to support the Solutions Act and ensure we don’t leave any Vermonters behind. We urge the Senate to follow the House’s lead so we can get to work.”

A strong climate law will be good for public health
Sep 13, 2020

How Massachusetts Can Make Things Right in the Merrimack Valley

Two years after gas explosions rocked the Merrimack Valley, Lawrence is still fighting to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of its residents. And in fighting for Lawrence’s recovery, we can protect communities across the Commonwealth, too.

Lawrence, MA in the Merrimack Valley
Sep 10, 2020

Watching the West Coast Wildfires from New England

In the decade since I’ve moved away from California, I’ve watched the climate there go from a temperate paradise with the occasional fire to a place with scorching summers and yearly infernos. This is climate change, playing out right in front of us. It’s easy to see these and other disasters from afar and not call them climate catastrophes. But that’s exactly what they are.

Wildfires across the West Coast turned the sky in Oakland, CA an eerie orange yellow