Mar 16, 2021

Rhode Island Senate Passes Critical Climate Bill

“This bill is long overdue as Rhode Island continues to lag our neighbors in putting strong climate laws on the books,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Our current climate law is woefully out of date and offers no guidance for how to combat climate change in the Ocean State. The bill passed today will ensure that we slash polluting emissions and protect communities from climate threats. The House must now take it up and get it passed.”

Rhode Island's state house
Jan 29, 2021

Biden’s First Days: Promises Made, Promises Still to Keep

Biden’s flurry of executive orders addressing climate change, conservation, and environmental justice has us optimistic. Now we must ensure his administration follows through and turns these orders into meaningful and actionable policy.

First 100 Days
Jan 27, 2021

Guest Post: Will Developers Slow the Path to Net Zero?

Cities with aggressive climate standards are running into roadblocks. Achieving these goals will require strong building energy codes and ending the use of fossil fuels in buildings and homes. We’re starting to see that neither the natural gas utilities nor the real estate industry will sit by quietly as cities and states enforce stronger building codes and ban natural gas infrastructure in new construction.

Boston Seaport construction
Jan 19, 2021

Court Rejects Trump Emissions Rollbacks

“The court saw right through the Trump Administration’s naked attempt to throw a lifeline to dirty outmoded coal plants,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Decimating critical emissions standards would have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans by the EPA’s own estimates. It’s fitting that an administration solely focused on destructive environmental rollbacks has been handed a resounding defeat on its last day in office.”

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Jan 15, 2021

Governor Baker Rejects Climate and Justice Legislation

Massachusetts legislators overwhelmingly passed critical climate and justice legislation. But Governor Baker vetoed the bill – choosing not only to ignore sound science, but also to let decades of racist policy targeting low-income, Black, and Brown communities go unchallenged.

The Massachusetts State House
Jan 14, 2021

Governor Baker Vetoes Critical Climate Bill

“On Earth Day, we cheered as Governor Baker declared net-zero emissions by 2050 an enforceable order under the state’s landmark climate law,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “With the stroke of his veto pen, the Governor has mocked this commitment he trumpeted just nine months ago. This irresponsible veto – admittedly at the behest of special interest lobbyists – deprives the Commonwealth’s families and businesses of the tools they need to cut emissions in a just and economically beneficial way. The Governor has drastically set us back in reaching our climate goals.”

Massachusetts State House
Jan 04, 2021

Mass. Legislature Passes Far-Reaching Climate Bill

“This legislation is a momentous step forward in confronting the climate crisis and protecting environmental justice communities,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Only with the concrete plan and critical justice language in this legislation can the Commonwealth grow its economy, fight climate change, and begin to address stark environmental and public health inequities. The long-term health and safety of everyone in Massachusetts depend on Governor Baker signing this bill into law.”

Massachusetts State House
Jan 04, 2021

Massachusetts takes major steps in fight against climate change

“If signed by the governor, this bill would restore Massachusetts’s national leadership in addressing climate change, and the disproportionate impact of pollution on Black, brown, and other environmental justice communities in the state,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, acting director of the Conservation Law Foundation in Massachusetts