Sep 06, 2019
“It is encouraging to see that Governor Baker has recognized this growing public health crisis and has proposed real dollars to fund a solution,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “With the federal government shirking its responsibility, New England’s leaders must step up and commit more than lip service to solving this problem. Families deserve drinking water that is free from these poisonous chemicals.”
Aug 23, 2019
“The problem here is that we’re putting the cart before the horse a little bit … before we have the results back from investigations that are going on into what is the safest way to treat it,” she said.
Jul 31, 2019
This session, the Rhode Island General Assembly missed opportunities to make progress on a wide range of environmental issues. CLF and other environmental organizations pushed for action on the climate crisis, toxic chemicals, and plastics pollution, but no substantial new laws were enacted. It was not a total loss, however, as we were successful in preventing passage of some harmful measures.
Jul 18, 2019
“PFAS chemicals are poisonous to humans and have no place in our water,” said Meredith Hatfield, Senior Attorney at CLF. “With the federal government dodging its responsibility on this critical issue, real action on the state level is the only way to combat this crisis. These rules are an important first step to protect the drinking water for New Hampshire families.”
Jul 17, 2019
“It is really important for people to understand that this is not just isolated to Bennington,” said Jen Duggan, director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “This has the potential to impact a large portion of the state.
Jun 28, 2019
“Toxic PFAS chemicals are threatening drinking water and public health across New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The new standards proposed today are a significant step in the right direction for protecting our communities, but more needs to be done. We must address the cumulative impacts of these four PFAS, and the state needs to regulate the thousands of other known PFAS created by the chemical industry.”
Jun 28, 2019
“Toxic PFAS chemicals are threatening drinking water and public health across New Hampshire,” Tom Irwin, director of the Conservation Law Foundation in New Hampshire.
Jun 27, 2019
“DuPont and 3M have knowingly poisoned our water for decades while reaping billions in profits,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “These companies have no right to pollute our drinking water and our bodies. Attorney General Donovan recognizes the need to hold the responsible parties accountable for putting these toxic forever chemicals into our water and our health at risk.”
Jun 27, 2019
This legislative session was full of historic victories for the people of Vermont. Our legislature passed three of the strongest pollution protection laws in the country, setting the standard for New England and the rest of the country.
Jun 23, 2019
Jen Duggan, director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont, said that the state Agency of Natural Resources has taken a “leadership role” both in terms of identifying and remediating PFAS contamination. She pointed out that Vermont will be testing for 18 different types of PFAS compounds, compared to Michigan, which will only be looking at two of the most toxic compounds in its testing.