Aug 01, 2019
UPDATE: On July 19, 2019, the New Hampshire Supreme Court upheld the State’s rejection of the Northern Pass project. After the Site Evaluation Committee denied Eversource a permit to build in 2018, the energy company appealed the decision to the State Supreme Court. However, the Court stood behind the permit denials, rejecting the controversial transmission line for… Continue reading Update: Eversource’s Northern Pass Project Gets Final Rejection
Jul 19, 2019
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is the right one for New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, vice president and director of Conservation Law Foundation New Hampshire. “Eversource has been nothing but dismissive of community concerns throughout this process and that alone is enough to reject Northern Pass for good.”
Jul 19, 2019
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is the right one for New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Eversource has been nothing but dismissive of community concerns throughout this process and that alone is enough to reject Northern Pass for good. This project has always been bad for the state and Eversource needs to move on.”
Mar 13, 2019
Northern Pass would put our communities and our environment at risk.
Feb 20, 2019
CLF issued a brief statement on behalf of president Bradley Campbell, saying the project has the potential “to be a major win” for the climate and for families and businesses throughout New England. Central Maine Power, Campbell said, appears willing to make the necessary concessions to generate broad support.
May 07, 2018
“Eversource continues to go through the procedural steps necessary to keep the Northern Pass project on life support, but the project is largely dead,” said Melissa Birchard, CLF staff attorney.
Apr 10, 2018
Northern Pass received two major blows in March, knocking it fully out of contention as the energy winner in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth, which initially selected the proposed transmission line for a lucrative clean energy contract in January, severed ties and announced on March 28 that it is moving on to a different project. Just two… Continue reading New England Closes the Door on Northern Pass
Mar 28, 2018
“Taking Northern Pass off the table is the right call for Massachusetts and New Hampshire,” said Greg Cunningham, VP and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Having been rejected now by two states, the writing is on the wall for Northern Pass – Eversource should pull its plug once and for all.”
Mar 19, 2018
Northern Pass is now on life support. The latest decision in New Hampshire further signals the end of this ill-conceived project – a high-voltage transmission line that would cut through the White Mountain National Forest and bisect New Hampshire from north to south. Northern Pass tried to rush New Hampshire through permitting, but the Granite… Continue reading Northern Pass Denied Lifeline by New Hampshire Decision Makers
Mar 12, 2018
“This was a hail Mary effort of Northern Pass to meet the Massachusetts deadline and that hail Mary pass has failed,” said CLF attorney Melissa Birchard. “The New Hampshire siting committee unanimously rejected this bad proposal in February. The Committee is standing strong for the people of New Hampshire and will not allow Northern Pass to play fast and loose with the process. The writing is on the wall – Northern Pass is dead and Massachusetts must move on to a project that better serves the people of New England.”