Mar 08, 2017

Maine Takes a Giant Step Backward on the Road to Solar Power

Maine’s Public Utilities Commission just issued the most regressive rule to govern solar energy in the country, including a provision that punishes solar panel owners for generating their own clean electricity. The Commission’s new rule flies in the face of the more than 4,000 comments Mainers filed opposing the draft rule and Mainers’ overwhelming support… Continue reading Maine Takes a Giant Step Backward on the Road to Solar Power

Mar 02, 2017

With Rick Perry at the Helm, U.S. Energy Future Under Threat

“With the Senate’s approval, Rick Perry today joins a long list of cabinet members unabashedly hostile to the missions of their agencies, resistant to the laws Congress has charged them with administering, and unwilling to allow science to guide their decisions,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “This is more reckless than extreme partisanship and more dangerous than overblown rhetoric. It puts every American on notice that the rule of law is in peril.”

Mar 01, 2017

Maine Takes Giant Leap Backward on Solar Energy

“Imagine you make the decision to save money by using a clothesline rather than a dryer, but at the end of the month you are billed for the energy you saved,” said Sean Mahoney, Director of CLF Maine. “That’s what the PUC has just done to every family and business that uses solar power. Revoking the incentive structure alone would have been outrageous, but to go one step further and actually charge us for electricity we’re not buying is downright criminal. Once again, we see this LePage-appointed commission kowtow to the whims of Big Gas and Big Oil while leaving the people of Maine out to dry.”

Mar 01, 2017

Environmental groups to make hard push to reverse Maine’s new solar rules

… The Conservation Law Foundation also expressed its disapproval of the new rules. “Imagine you make the decision to save money by using a clothesline rather than a dryer, but at the end of the month you are billed for the energy you saved,” Sean Mahoney, director of the foundation’s Maine Advocacy Center, said in… Continue reading Environmental groups to make hard push to reverse Maine’s new solar rules

Dec 08, 2016

Going Low-Carb

Transforming New England’s Energy System New England’s coal-fired power plants were at their peak when CLF opened its doors 50 years ago. The majority of the region’s coal fleet came online in the post-war boom years of the1950s and 1960s and they would go on to dominate our region’s electricity mix for decades. Today, however,… Continue reading Going Low-Carb

Aug 08, 2016

New Law Will Increase State’s Reliance On Renewable Energy

… Greg Cunningham — the energy and climate program director at the Conservation Law Foundation, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the state over its implementation of Global Warming Solutions Act — said in a statement that while the bill isn’t perfect, it’s a big step forward. “The forward-thinking diversity of resources advanced by this law, including offshore… Continue reading New Law Will Increase State’s Reliance On Renewable Energy

Jun 29, 2016

Senate Energy Debate Could Get Heated

… The issue of whether electric ratepayers can be assessed to finance natural gas infrastructure is currently before the Supreme Judicial Court. The Conservation Law Foundation argues existing law doesn’t allow it, while the Baker administration’s Department of Public Utilities says the law does. Read more here…

May 29, 2016

Clean Energy Powerhouse

… Moving beyond electric energy efficiency, Vermonters now have an array of opportunities to install solar to meet electricity needs. Read more by CLF Senior Attorney Sandy Levine…