May 01, 2024

Phil Coupe’s Sunny View on Clean Energy

Phil Coupe has been on the cutting edge of clean solar energy for the past 20 years. As co-founder of ReVision Energy, he wants to get the word out about the possiblities.

Photo of Phil Coupe, white male, standing before a home.
May 11, 2023

EPA to Propose Strict Pollution Limits for Power Plants

“Communities across New England have been living in the shadow of polluting fossil fuel plants for decades,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “Slashing emissions from these power plants is an essential step to meeting our climate goals and cleaning up the air in these communities. We can’t afford to allow this damaging pollution to continue, and EPA’s approach proposes to drive down those emissions over time and will increase opportunities for proven technologies like solar and wind.”

Merrimack Station in Bow, New Hampshire
Feb 01, 2023

Vermont Groups Gather to Push for New Clean, Renewable Energy

“We must reform Vermont’s renewable energy rules if we’re serious about meeting our climate goals and slashing dangerous pollution in our communities,” said CLF attorney Chase Whiting. “A portion of our electricity comes from out-of-state fossil fuel plants that pollute communities’ air, destroy our planet, and take hard-earned money from Vermonters. This is unacceptable. It’s time to update these rules to ensure our electricity comes from new clean energy sources like wind and solar, especially those that bring new jobs to Vermont.” 

A solar panel and wind turbine
Jun 29, 2022

RI Governor Signs 100% Renewables Bill into Law

“This law signals the next step in the death of fossil fuels in Rhode Island,” said CLF Senior Attorney Meg Curran. “Requiring all of our electricity to come from renewable sources is a major win for our health, our economy, and the planet. Now is the time to step up production of wind and solar resources.”

Rhode Island's state house
Feb 12, 2020

Why New England Needs More Solar Energy

From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy.

solar energy is an important part of a clean energy economy
Feb 04, 2020

Getting off Gas by Investing in Rooftop Solar

Since installing solar panels on their barn, Sean Mahoney and his wife have noticed a huge difference in their energy bills. They’ve also been able to reduce their carbon footprint.

rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine
Jul 08, 2019

Maine Makes Progress on Climate, Energy, Toxins, and More

Maine’s newly elected governor and legislature delivered on critical new laws that will cut climate-damaging emissions, protect Maine’s families and children from toxic chemicals, clean up our rivers, and save energy – all while creating jobs, growing new industries, and strengthening the economy.

Rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine