Mar 15, 2024

A Shell Game

CLF is suing Big Oil to protect communities from dangerous facilities.

Woman speaking into a microphone
Nov 03, 2023

Shell Continues to Hide Climate Evidence

“While Shell tries every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis, our community is in danger” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “The evidence we have seen shows that the company has left this facility woefully unprepared for extreme weather. Major risks exist now and they’re only going to get worse as the oceans rise and storms intensify.”

Photos turned over by Shell show its facility flooding during a December 2022 storm.
Oct 20, 2023

Ruling Clears the Way for CLF Trial Against Shell

“Despite Shell’s many efforts to obstruct our case and avoid producing evidence, the court has recognized that this important case will now proceed to trial,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The company’s inconsistent positions about climate risk and unlawful operation of its New Haven facility are putting families, businesses, and local waters in harm’s way. This decision brings us one step closer to protecting New Haven communities and the surrounding environment from Shell’s unlawful conduct.

New Haven harbor
Sep 08, 2022

Watch: Big Oil’s Climate Denial Puts Our Communities at Risk

Darrèll Brown, vice president of CLF’s Rhode Island Advocacy Center, talks about the organization’s work to hold Big Oil accountable for failing to prepare its coastal facilities for the climate impacts its polluting products have caused.

Oil Storage Facility
May 09, 2022

Big Oil on Trial

CLF is taking the oil giants to court in partnership with residents from the Everett, Providence, New Haven, and Quincy communities they’re harming. These lawsuits are the first of their kind, suing Big Oil companies for climate risks and pollution under the Clean Water Act and hazardous waste law.

Allens Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island
Apr 04, 2022

Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

Despite the clear and present dangers their oil storage facilities pose, including to communities here in New England, Big Oil has failed to invest in measures to safeguard them from sea level rise and increasingly powerful and frequent storms – climate harms their polluting products have caused. Indeed, they haven’t even taken the required steps… Continue reading Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

CLF Conservation Matters Spring 2022
Jan 06, 2022

Environmental group wants Shell’s records about climate risks in RI

“They’ve known since the 1970s that their products are damaging the climate,” said Darrell Brown, vice president of CLF Rhode Island. “But instead of protecting our communities from climate fallout, they’ve spent nearly 50 years and billions of dollars sowing doubt and deceit.”

Jan 04, 2022

Shell Refusing to Disclose Climate Information

“Once again, Shell is trying every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis,” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “It’s long past time for the public to hear the truth about what this big oil giant knew about climate impacts and when they knew it. The court must see through this charade and order the company to release these records so this case can move forward.”

Shell Oil Providence Rhode Island
Nov 05, 2021

Calling Out Big Oil’s Climate Disinformation

The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing to interrogate Big Oil executives about their companies’ decades of deliberate climate disinformation. A disappointing yet unsurprising outcome tells us it’s time for more climate mandates for real accountability.

We're fighting Big Oil's grasp on New England.