Jan 02, 2019

Saving Rhode Island’s Waters

Stormwater pollution is shutting down Rhode Island’s ponds and beaches. CLF is calling on EPA to hold polluters accountable for their dirty discharge.

Clean Water in Rhode Island
Dec 11, 2018

Polluted Runoff is Putting Rhode Island Waters at Risk

Stormwater pollution is making Rhode Island waters unsafe for swimming, fishing, and boating. CLF is asking the state’s Department of Environmental Protection to hold polluters accountable for their runoff.

Nov 19, 2018

CLF Petitions to Protect Rhode Island Waters

“No one should be given a free pass to pollute Rhode Island waters,” said James Crowley, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Years of toxic runoff have endangered our waters, closed our beaches, and threatened important wildlife habitats. Our communities deserve to enjoy these areas without being sickened by toxic pollution that has gone unchecked for decades. The state has the power to hold these polluters accountable and it must act now to protect our waters for future generations.”

Jun 27, 2018

Conservation Law Foundation in Court Against Shell

“Shell’s facility is an accident waiting to happen,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “One severe storm could result in the terminal spilling toxic chemicals into the Providence River and surrounding communities. The company has failed to prepare the facility for the effects of climate change, even as sea levels continue to rise and stronger storms are becoming more frequent. We will continue the fight to protect the community and our environment from the dangers posed by this terminal.”

Aug 28, 2017

CLF Brings Shell to Court for Neglect of Providence River, Community

“This weekend, we saw thousands of homes destroyed, streets flooded and families displaced by Hurricane Harvey,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell. “We can’t wait around for the next natural disaster to inundate our communities. Shell’s facility sits on the banks of the Providence River, poised to spew toxic chemicals into our waters and our neighborhoods with no adequate safeguards in place. If the loss of life and damage from storms like Hurricane Harvey aren’t enough of a wake-up call, then legal action is needed to protect the public.”