Sep 30, 2020

Fishery Managers Adopt 100% Monitoring Plan

“Atlantic cod is one of New England’s most iconic fish and it is in peril,” said Allison Lorenc, Policy Analyst at CLF. “Establishing a new understanding of catch through 100% monitoring will provide scientists and managers with the information they need to prevent overfishing and help species like cod recover to healthy populations. A sustainable fishery must be based on accurate data, and the fishery management council demonstrated their commitment to that today while also minimizing the economic burden on the industry.”

Sep 08, 2020

Our Ocean Is Part of the Climate Solution

As we celebrate the four-year anniversary of New England’s national monuments, CLF is part of a growing movement of scientists, policymakers, businesses, and conservation organizations in the United States and around the world calling for the global protection of at least 30% of land and 30% of the ocean by 2030.

Jul 31, 2020

We Must Protect More of Our Ocean

We know that to protect biodiversity and build our ocean’s resilience to climate change, we must protect much more of New England’s ocean.

Cashes Ledge kelp forest
May 28, 2020

The Real Fishwives of Cashes Ledge

A key step to saving Atlantic cod is protecting the mother fish that lay exponentially more eggs than their smaller, younger counterparts. Protecting area where these BOFFFFs, or Big Old Fat Fertile Female Fish, live and spawn is crucial to a healthy cod population.

Text: The Real Fishwives of Cashes Ledge. Image: Cartoon cod
May 20, 2020

Why We Need Monitoring on All New England Groundfish Trips

Right now, our regional fishery managers have the opportunity to collect more accurate data by improving the at-sea monitoring program in New England’s groundfish fishery. This management action, called Amendment 23, can help put Atlantic cod on a path to recovery.

Mar 30, 2020

Can Cod Be Saved?

Overfishing and inept management have driven Atlantic cod to the brink. Now climate change looms. Atlantic cod still have a chance at survival, but it’s not going to be easy.

Mar 23, 2020

Conservation Matters Spring 2020

For centuries, Atlantic cod has been essential to New England’s identity. Yet today, you can rarely find locally caught cod in a grocery store or on a menu – because it has been fished to the brink of disaster. Here’s what it’s going to take to save New England’s founding fish.

Conservation Matters Spring 2020
Mar 11, 2020

Five Actions to Save Atlantic Cod

How do we save Atlantic cod? These five conservation and management measures could help New England’s founding fish recover from its current overfished status.

Atlantic cod
Feb 13, 2020

Petition to NOAA calls for prohibition on cod fishing

“There’s a fairly damning record of the agency (NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service) approving (New England Fishery Management) Council plans it should have known were not likely to end overfishing, and were not likely to put cod stocks on any rebuilding timeline,” said Peter Shelley, senior counsel for the foundation.