Oct 03, 2019

Federal agency accused of mispresenting views of its scientists in opening fishing grounds off Cape

“These troubling allegations suggest unlawful conduct at the highest levels of the agency and possibly among lawyers at the Department of Justice,” said Erica Fuller, a senior staff attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation. “The officials charged with protecting this species appear willing to misrepresent the facts and the science to both the court and the public, because they’re hell-bent on doing nothing that might save right whales from extinction.”

Sep 05, 2019

The Road to Ropeless Fishing Gear

Off the rocky coastline of Maine is an expanse of brightly colored lobster buoys. The buoys – which mark where potentially millions of traps are dropped along the 3,000-mile coast – are an iconic image, bobbing along with the shifting tides. But lobsters aren’t the only living icon in Maine’s waters: The North Atlantic right… Continue reading The Road to Ropeless Fishing Gear

Ropeless gear
Aug 12, 2019

Trump weakens Endangered Species Act, which saved the bald eagle, grizzly, and others

“Iconic species like the North Atlantic right whale are part of our heritage and deserve all possible protections in the face of the many threats to their continued existence,” said Erica Fuller, a senior staff attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston. “Any attempt to gut one of the public’s most revered statutes, especially in the face of the most recent UN report, demonstrates a lack of respect for both past and future generations.”

Aug 08, 2019

Maine Must Do the Right Thing for Right Whales

Humans pose the biggest threat to right whales’ survival, and it’s our responsibility to stop killing them. Last month, however, Maine’s state leadership rallied against a proposal that would help save our iconic whale. Fishing and right whales can co-exist, but it’s going to take close collaboration and forward-looking leadership, not obstruction. Maine must be part of the solution if we are to save the right whale from extinction.

Right whale
Jul 12, 2019

Urgent: Maine Representatives & Senators Fail Right Whales

This is outrageous. On Wednesday, the Maine Congressional Delegation put the fate of endangered North Atlantic right whales in the hands of President Trump – a president intent on exploiting our oceans and rolling back critical environmental protections. Earlier this week, three right whales were found entangled in fishing ropes. Another six were found dead last… Continue reading Urgent: Maine Representatives & Senators Fail Right Whales

Jul 09, 2019

Three Entangled Right Whales Spotted in Gulf of St. Lawrence

“There is no more time for half measures or endless meetings and discussions,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “Critically endangered right whales can recover, but we need to stop killing them now. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments must take additional action to protect this majestic species before it disappears from our oceans forever.” 

Jun 27, 2019

Sixth North Atlantic right whale found dead in Canadian waters

“The loss of [six] more whales, and at least two breeding females, is catastrophic,” said Erica Fuller, a senior staff attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation, which has sued the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to force it to take more aggressive action to protect right whales. “Both countries need to treat this like the emergency that it is.”

Jun 15, 2019

As right whales surge north, one death too many

“The ‘Canada isn’t doing enough’ mantra is outdated and deflects attention from the need for the US to do more,” said Erica Fuller, a senior staff attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation.