Jun 25, 2019

Baker Administration Announces New Funds for MBTA

“It shouldn’t take two derailments in the span of a week to finally give the T some desperately-needed new funding and staffing,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The MBTA has been in a state of crisis for years, and this immediate infusion of cash will speed up improvements and should benefit train and bus riders across the board. Thousands of people rely on the T every day and it’s time riders have a safe trip they can depend on.”

mbta blue line
Mar 08, 2019

MBTA gets mostly passing grades in advocate report card

The MBTA is getting mostly passing grades on achieving its own goals, but the agency may struggle to meet major milestones in the future. That’s the outlook from a coalition that includes the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Conservation Law Foundation, and the MBTA Advisory Board, which represents the communities served by the T.

Mar 06, 2019

These Three Projects Could Transform Greater Boston’s Public Transit

We’re at a critical juncture when it comes to improving the MBTA. The T has three big projects in the works, all of which are connected: fare increases, a new system for collecting that fare, and improved bus service in greater Boston. These projects are an opportunity to make the system work better for everyone. Here’s how the MBTA can get it right.

MBTA 66 bus
Mar 06, 2019

The MBTA Has More Work to Do for Riders and the Environment

Two years after the MBTA’s strategic plan was approved, we’re looking into how well the T stuck to its own goals. While the T has completed some of its infrastructure and financial goals, it has a long way to go to meet its accessibility and climate goals.

mbta blue line
Mar 06, 2019

Will 2019 be a turning point for the T?

Staci Rubin, a senior attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation, said riders have been patient but their patience is starting to run thin. “It’s really time for customers to start experiencing improvements,” she said.

Mar 06, 2019

Greater Boston Chamber, CLF, and MBTA Advisory Board Publish First Annual Accountability Report to Assess the MBTA’s Progress on Strategic Plan

“We must make it as easy as possible for people to get out of their cars and choose public transit, and that starts with a system that works for everyone,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It’s clear that the MBTA needs to focus on protecting the system from climate change and improving accessibility. These aren’t always the most visible projects, but they’re critical if we’re going to have a transportation system that is prepared for the future and doesn’t leave anyone behind.”

Feb 16, 2019

Massachusetts eyeing more renewable energy-friendly future

One bill sponsored by Stoneham Democratic state Rep. Michael Day seeks to help save taxpayer dollars spent trying to recycle what the Conservation Law Foundation describes as wasteful packaging. Another piece of legislation supported by CLF would require all large-scale fleets of vehicles in Massachusetts — public and private — to go electric by 2035.

Jan 29, 2019

MBTA Proposes Fare Hikes

“Fare increases should be modest, predictable, and necessary,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Riders deserve a reliable ride to get where they need to go at a reasonable price. Any potential fare increase must be tied to service improvements, like finishing the Green Line Extension and fixing the bus system for riders who depend on it most.”