Apr 24, 2021

You Can Get There from Here

Over 40% of New England’s climate-damaging emissions billow from the exhaust pipes of our cars, trucks, semis, buses, and trains. We cannot solve climate change without cutting that pollution. And in the process, we have a unique opportunity to reimagine our region’s transportation systems as ones that are both affordable and accessible to everyone.

Jan 06, 2021

Legislature Passes Critical Transportation Funding Bill

“Transportation is an essential service and it’s about time our leaders treat it like one,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Funding these transformational projects and decriminalizing fare evasion will have a profound impact on communities that depend on public transit every day. Riders of color have been disproportionately targeted with criminal fare evasion charges for decades, and this welcome change is long overdue.”

Dec 14, 2020

MBTA to Cut Critical Transportation Services

“Slashing these critical services will be catastrophic for communities that depend on public transit,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It’s senseless to cut services that essential workers depend on each day while COVID continues to rage. These cuts are not as bad as originally proposed, but they will nevertheless upend the lives of thousands of people, set the state back in reaching our climate goals, and hinder economic recovery after the pandemic.”

Dec 12, 2020

Tobin Bridge bus lane to open Monday

“People who depend on the bus are constantly delayed as the Tobin is inundated with single-occupancy cars. This new lane will slash those travel times benefiting Chelsea residents and workers,” Staci Rubin, an attorney at the foundation, said in a statement Friday.

Dec 11, 2020

Tobin Bridge Bus Lane Set to Open Monday

“It’s time to stop pandering to car travel at the expense of public transit,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “People who depend on the bus are constantly delayed as the Tobin is inundated with single-occupancy cars. This new lane will slash those travel times benefiting Chelsea residents and workers. Making public transportation faster and more reliable is a key strategy to relieve the gridlock that has plagued our region.”

The Tobin bridge runs through Chelsea, an environmental justice community
Nov 20, 2020

HOV lane to return Monday, and a bus lane on the Tobin may soon follow

Staci Rubin, a senior attorney with CLF, also said in a statement that the measures will help ensure transit riders are prioritized when the economy kicks back into gear. “Now is the time to improve transit options and avoid the gridlock that plagued our region before the pandemic,” she said.

Nov 17, 2020

How to Move Beyond Environmental Justice as a Trend

I grew up in communities that needed environmental justice the most. I also lived in neighborhoods that already had the resources and ability to make change. Still, I didn’t understand the difference or know what the environmental world called the movement until later in life. I could only connect the dots when I had more access to education and a framework for understanding the issue.

Protest sign reads: Listen to our voices
Oct 30, 2020

MA Officials Must Approve At-Grade Option for I-90 Project

“It is past time for MassDOT to heed the consensus among Mayor Walsh, transportation experts, and affected neighborhoods that the all at-grade approach is the best one for Boston, for commuters, and for the river,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “The Baker Administration should start working for rather than against its own vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth.” 

Photo: Charles River, Boston
Aug 24, 2020

A new, bigger I-90 viaduct is not the answer

Nearly all key stakeholders and public officials have embraced this opportunity to transform Boston’s western gateway into a showpiece of enhanced urban design and environmental planning, with a new transit station in Allston at the heart of the plans. Let’s get this project done. We can think big to improve mobility and protect the Charles River