Jun 05, 2024

Winds of Change

The Salem Harbor site where a coal-fired power plant once stood is slated to become a clean energy offshore wind port terminal in 2026, launching New England definitively into a clean energy future.

Rendering of the new Salem Wind Port in Salem, MA
Feb 20, 2024

Maine Chooses Sears Island for Offshore Wind Port

“Offshore wind energy is essential to Maine’s future,” said Sean Mahoney, Vice President of CLF Maine. “Offshore wind will grow our economy and help us meet our obligations to ditch polluting fossil fuels. It’s critical that this process is now moving forward and we’re one step closer to getting this clean energy on the grid.”

A view from the ground-up of wind turbines against a blue sky with some clouds.
Jan 03, 2024

Vineyard Wind Sends Power to Grid for First Time

“This is a historic moment that’s been years in the making,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “It’s proof positive that New England’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean, renewable energy is underway in earnest. We must now quadruple the rate of clean energy deployment, and New England is where it can be done responsibly.”

An offshore wind turbine against a blue sky