Jan 27, 2022

Opponents appeal East Boston substation’s waterfront license

“This waterways license is yet another example of our state agency making the wrong decision and Eversource Energy not making a good decision,” said Staci Rubin, CLF Vice President of Environmental Justice. “There is a pattern of our governmental decisions granting permits to pollute in communities of color, low-income neighborhoods, and places with limited English-proficient residents.”

Dec 22, 2021

Riding Toward Opportunities: Communities Need Better MBTA Service to Access Jobs

Chronic delays have become the norm for riders of public transit in the Greater Boston area. But these delays hurt some people more than others. Our report shows that chronic delays reduce access to job opportunities for communities of color, low-income communities, and limited-English proficient residents at a far higher rate than for wealthier and… Continue reading Riding Toward Opportunities: Communities Need Better MBTA Service to Access Jobs

CLF Transit Access Study
Dec 17, 2020

Why We Should Modernize Our Electric Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But times have changed. Today, we can harness clean, renewable energy right where we live. But we have to update our electric grid to take advantage of it.

Aug 14, 2019

CLF Challenges Trump Reversal of Clean Power Plan

“ACE should stand for appalling and corrupt,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “By the EPA’s own estimates, the new rule will result in the deaths of thousands of Americans. The Trump administration’s pathetic rule is nothing more than a lifeline for dying coal plants, and we will continue to fight it.”

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Jun 19, 2019

Maine Legislature Passes Pair of Critical Energy Bills

“It’s time we leave dirty, polluting fossil fuel plants in the past,” said Emily Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “The future of energy is clean and local, and these bills come not a moment too soon. Our communities will now be able to harness Maine’s natural resources to power homes and businesses. We must all do our part to preserve a livable planet while we still have time.”

A view of the statehouse against the clear sky.
Mar 05, 2019

Enviro. Groups Sue Bow Coal Plant For Hot-Water Discharges

The Conservation Law Foundation complaint says Merrimack Station in Bow is polluting the Merrimack River with excess hot water. The nonprofit first announced its intent to file the Clean Water Act suit, along with the Sierra Club, last November.