Oct 02, 2024

Maine DEP Grants Harmful Landfill Expansion

Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Melanie Loyzim issued a decision claiming the proposed expansion of the Juniper Ridge Landfill would benefit the public. This opens the door for Casella to officially apply for a license to expand.

Landfill construction and demolition debris
Oct 01, 2024

Green Halloween: 5 Tips to Embrace the Zero Waste Spirit

On Halloween, U.S. consumers spend over $10 billion on decorations, plastic-wrapped candy, costumes, and more. Many of these items will eventually find their final resting place in landfills and incinerators. But fear not! Here are 5 tips to celebrate a Green Halloween without sacrificing your fun.

Adilson Gonzalez wearing a green halloween costume. Costume is made from thrifted items to create a wicked inspired outfit. Person wear green makeup, infinity glasses, a cape with a green brooch, and a black pointy hat.
Sep 25, 2024

The Truth About Bottle Bills: Separating Facts From Myths 

Bottle bills place a small deposit on beverage containers. Consumers get that deposit back when they return the empty containers. Bottle bills tackle litter and improve recycling. Despite these benefits, the waste and beverage industries argue these programs are outdated or unnecessary. But here’s the truth: bottle bills work. Let’s dispel some myths.

Alaina Pinto, influencer, at a bottle return program facility. She empties a bag of drink containers – cans and bottles – into a sorting machine. This machine processes and counts the number of containers covered by the bottle bill system. Upon tallying containers, the consumer will get their initial deposit back.
Sep 19, 2024

Explainer: The Hidden Costs of Waste Transfer Stations

In New Bedford, Massachusetts, a proposed waste transfer station threatens to bury the community under a mountain of literal and figurative problems. But what exactly is a waste transfer station, and why should we be concerned about this expansion? Let’s take a closer look at what these facilities do, how they operate, and the real impact they can have on the neighborhoods around them.

Photo: image of garbage truck carrying waste from a dumpster into a waste transfer station or a landfill.
Jul 18, 2024

Beach Cleanups: Why Do They Matter and How to Make Yours Count 

New Englanders love a perfect beach day. But the trash that lines our coast from Connecticut to Maine is less than perfect. By pitching in to do a beach cleanup, beach lovers can make a significant difference in preserving our region’s natural beauty. Check out these tips to keep your favorite beach crystal clean.

Photo of beachfront and ocean with litter and other ocean trash. Photo taken prior to a beach cleanup.
Jun 25, 2024

3 Reasons New Hampshire Needs a Bottle Bill  

Thanks to bottle bills, many New England states have increased recycling rates and now rank among the top states in the country. New Hampshire still lacks a bottle bill. Learn why that matters.

Photo of an empty plastic bottle being tossed into a plastic bag. The image is taken from inside the plastic bag, and one can see the outline of a hand tossing the bottle. Behind, a bright sunset shines through the litter.