Dec 01, 2021

Vermont Releases Climate Action Plan

“The climate crisis is putting Vermont’s communities at risk as we speak,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “The Climate Action Plan is a huge first step in slashing polluting emissions, building smarter, and prioritizing communities overburdened by climate impacts. We’ll be pushing to make sure the implementation of the plan prioritizes cleaning up our transportation systems and transitioning to truly clean heat and electricity. Our homes, land, and critical resources can’t wait.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Nov 05, 2021

Calling Out Big Oil’s Climate Disinformation

The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing to interrogate Big Oil executives about their companies’ decades of deliberate climate disinformation. A disappointing yet unsurprising outcome tells us it’s time for more climate mandates for real accountability.

We're fighting Big Oil's grasp on New England.
Sep 04, 2021

Weekly Planet: Climate-resilient future needs ambitious metrics now

In the decade since Irene, Vermonters have shown a tremendous capacity to rise to the challenge of becoming more resilient, just as we have in responding to the challenges of COVID. We cannot afford to lose pace. Adopting clear metrics for resilience and adaptation to accompany the Global Warming Solution Act’s emissions reductions targets would help ensure we are doing everything possible to slash our greenhouse gas pollution and create a climate-resilient Vermont.

Apr 10, 2021

Governor McKee Signs Historic Climate Bill into Law

“With the climate crisis at our doorstep, this law comes not a moment too soon,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Slashing emissions and protecting frontline communities from devastating climate impacts must be our top priorities, and this new law ensures we do just that. Now we need to get to work turning Rhode Island’s climate goals into reality.”

Advocates at the State House urge Rhode Island to act on climate
Mar 26, 2021

Governor Baker Finally Signs Climate Bill into Law

“Massachusetts is already seeing the impacts of the climate crisis so we must continue to lead on bold climate policy,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “As this bill becomes law, we can finally begin the essential work of slashing emissions and creating a safer, more sustainable future for all residents. Governor Baker must work quickly to implement new rules that ensure the state’s ambitious climate goals are realized.”

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky
Mar 23, 2021

RI Legislature Passes Historic Climate Legislation

“Both the House and Senate clearly recognize that we are running out of time to confront the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “We must prioritize slashing polluting emissions and protecting frontline communities from the impacts of climate change, and this bill will hold Rhode Island accountable for doing both. Now we need Governor McKee to sign this bill into law so we can get to work.”

Rhode Island State House in Providence
Mar 18, 2021

Mass. House Passes Far-Reaching Climate Bill

“This legislation, passed with veto-proof majorities, is a momentous step forward in confronting the climate crisis and protecting communities that suffer first and worst from climate change,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “The Legislature honored its pledge to return the bill quickly to Governor Baker’s desk and incorporated changes to address administration concerns without weakening the bill. It’s past time for Governor Baker to sign the bill into law and get on with the important work of cutting emissions and forging the path to a safer and more sustainable future.”

The Massachusetts State House
Mar 16, 2021

Rhode Island Senate Passes Critical Climate Bill

“This bill is long overdue as Rhode Island continues to lag our neighbors in putting strong climate laws on the books,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Our current climate law is woefully out of date and offers no guidance for how to combat climate change in the Ocean State. The bill passed today will ensure that we slash polluting emissions and protect communities from climate threats. The House must now take it up and get it passed.”

Rhode Island's state house