Feb 10, 2022

N.H. Officials Pause Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC made the right call today, but the work isn’t over yet,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “The decision to gut popular energy efficiency programs was irresponsible and radical, and today’s news is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, it’s still up to the Supreme Court to officially reject the PUC’s rollbacks of energy efficiency programs and put the state on a path to a cleaner, more affordable energy future.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Feb 07, 2022

Challenging Irresponsible Energy Decision in NH Supreme Court

“The PUC’s irresponsible and arbitrary decision on energy efficiency cannot be allowed to stand,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs are proven ways to reduce energy bills and cut back on polluting fossil fuel use. At a time when high energy bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire families, the PUC has dealt a blow to residents’ and businesses’ ability to save on energy costs. Its decision must be overturned.”

Jan 07, 2022

New Hampshire Officials Reject Challenge to Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC continues to dig its feet in on its radical and arbitrary decision, and New Hampshire families will pay the price,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs help us reduce our energy use, which means lower bills and less damaging climate pollution from fossil fuels. This devastating blow to families, businesses and our planet cannot be allowed to stand, and CLF will continue the fight to overturn this irresponsible action from the PUC.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Dec 10, 2021

CLF Challenges New Hampshire Energy Efficiency Rollback

“The PUC has dealt a devastating blow to New Hampshire families, businesses and our planet,” said CLF Attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs help us reduce our energy use, which means lower bills and less damaging climate pollution from fossil fuels. The absurd and arbitrary decision to do away with these popular programs must be overturned.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Nov 24, 2020

Why Energy Efficiency Is So Powerful

We all know about clean, local energy like solar and wind. But there’s another form of clean energy: energy efficiency. Because the cleanest, cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use at all.

Why energy efficiency is so powerful
Jul 08, 2019

Maine Makes Progress on Climate, Energy, Toxins, and More

Maine’s newly elected governor and legislature delivered on critical new laws that will cut climate-damaging emissions, protect Maine’s families and children from toxic chemicals, clean up our rivers, and save energy – all while creating jobs, growing new industries, and strengthening the economy.

Rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine