Jul 10, 2018

Massachusetts Traffic and Pollution Likely to Worsen as Self-Driving Vehicles Hit the Road

“Self-driving vehicles have the potential to drastically change the way we travel,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “We have an opportunity to prevent traffic nightmares and negative environmental impacts by enacting smart policies ahead of time. As the study illustrates, we can’t afford to wait.”

Jan 09, 2018

Massachusetts Hits the Accelerator on Clean Transportation

Massachusetts has long been a leader in promoting clean, climate-friendly electric cars and trucks. And now, the Commonwealth is taking another leap forward in ending our reliance on gas- and diesel-powered vehicles. A recent order from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities gives the green light to Eversource, the region’s largest energy company, to invest… Continue reading Massachusetts Hits the Accelerator on Clean Transportation

Electric vehicles are a critical part of our climate solutions.
Dec 20, 2017

Bad Policy Could Crash the Achievements of Self-Driving Cars

There’s a consensus that self-driving cars are on the cusp of bringing about a transportation revolution that will address many environmental and societal challenges. However, it relies on a few critical assumptions about our future that are not guaranteed. The self-driving car industry paints a picture of blissful commutes, less pollution, and fewer accidents. But… Continue reading Bad Policy Could Crash the Achievements of Self-Driving Cars

Autonomous vehicles
Nov 13, 2017

CLF Applauds New Regional Transportation Climate Initiative

Phelps Turner, staff attorney, Conservation Law Foundation, said: “Transportation is the single largest source of climate-disrupting emissions that pollute our air and threaten our health. And with a federal government that refuses to act on climate change, it’s more critical than ever that local leaders step up. Today’s announcement demonstrates a firm commitment to expanding the proven RGGI model and ensuring that the future of transportation is safe, affordable and clean.”

Sep 15, 2017

How New England States Are Celebrating National Drive Electric Week

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — National Drive Electric Week! This annual event is a week-long, national celebration that showcases the benefits of electric vehicles (“EVs”). Whether you already own an electric car or are curious about what it’s like to drive one, we encourage you to explore a local #NDEW2017 event.… Continue reading How New England States Are Celebrating National Drive Electric Week

Photo: Electric car charging