Nov 18, 2022

Vermont Adopts Clean Car and Truck Rules

“Toxic pollution from cars and trucks overheats the earth and clogs the air in our communities,” said CLF staff attorney Chase Whiting. “These new rules will help us tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for people and families in Vermont. This is truly a win-win, and it’s a huge step forward towards our clean energy future.”

Sep 01, 2021

Mass. AG Allows Fuel Tax Ballot Question

“The language of the proposed ballot question is ambiguous and will very likely confuse and mislead voters,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President, Environmental Justice, CLF. “This effort comes at exactly the wrong time. With the impacts of the climate crisis becoming clearer by the day, options should be on the table to reduce transportation fossil fuel use and prepare our communities for what’s to come.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Jul 22, 2020

Conservation Matters Summer 2020: Year in Review

In times of change and upheaval, there is also room for hope and inspiration. While we collectively have much hard work ahead of us, we also have much to commend. Our hope is that this report offers insight into the work that your support makes possible – and inspiration for what we know we can accomplish together.

Conservation Matters Summer 2020
Jul 14, 2020

States Pledge to Increase Electric Truck and Bus Usage

“Electric cars, trucks, and buses are the future,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “Cutting transportation emissions to zero is a critical piece of confronting the climate crisis and protecting public health from toxic exhaust. This is yet another example of states leading the way while the federal government turns back the clock on environmental progress.

May 14, 2020

Building Stronger Communities and a Healthier Climate in the Wake of COVID-19

Even as we mourn the lives lost to COVID-19 and absorb the heavy toll it has taken on our economy, we must recognize that the old “normal” left too many communities unhealthy and especially vulnerable to the pandemic. Replicating that old “normal” will squander an opportunity to reduce climate danger while building healthier and more just communities for all.