Feb 21, 2017
“The Boston waterfront is a public treasure, an engine of tourism and a hub of economic growth, but it all collapses when we neglect our communal right to this resource,” said CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley. “The public has invested well over fifteen billion dollars in the harbor cleanup and waterfront improvements and has a protected privilege to enjoy the benefits of these investments. By approving a luxury residential scheme that essentially privatizes a public resource, the Baker Administration is corrupting a longstanding process designed to protect public interest. The minute we prioritize individual development goals over the public good, we start down a slippery slope that could spell disaster for our communities and our harbor.”
Aug 06, 2016
… “There were a lot of secondary challenges,” Shelley said. “At the time, I don’t think anyone had full knowledge of how badly the system had fallen. . . . We had no sense of how big of a mountain we were looking at in terms of the challenges, and no one understood it was going to… Continue reading After 30 Years, Court Marks Boston Harbor Cleanup
Mar 02, 2016
We’re tackling the biggest threats to clean water today.
Jan 28, 2016
Massachusetts is a state of extraordinary range – from our miles of coastline to the western mountains, our dense hardwood forests to our working farms, our thickly settled city neighborhoods to our rural village greens.
Jan 26, 2016
Here in New England, water is a way of life. Our rivers, streams, lakes, and ocean boost our economy, inspire our play, and enrich our heritage.
Jul 08, 2015
Defending the Charles: Closing the Clean Water Gap and Making All Polluters Pay… Progress Report: Childhood Lead Poisoning in New Hampshire… Why I Give: CLF Massachusetts’ Board Member Chi Ho Sham… Five Questions For: Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Jun 05, 2015
The Charles River was once one of the dirtiest rivers in the country. Today, thanks to CLF and Charles River Watershed Association, Massachusetts’ iconic river is on the mend. But despite these decades-long cleanup efforts, we still have a ways to go to rejuvenate the Charles River.