May 09, 2019

Protecting the Charles River from Stormwater Pollution

 “A stew of pollutants is flowing into the Charles every time it rains, threatening decades of efforts to clean up this iconic river,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Stormwater pollution can lead to dangerous cyanobacteria outbreaks, which sicken people and wildlife and have no place in our river. The Charles belongs to everyone, and it’s time we stop giving a free pass to the polluters who are destroying this precious resource.”

Feb 02, 2019

Defending the Charles River

Stormwater pollution is a major threat to the Charles River. CLF and the Charles River Watershed Association are pressuring the EPA to hold polluters accountable.

Charles River Water Pollution
Nov 16, 2017

Alexandra Dapolito Dunn a Strong Choice for New England EPA Leadership

“It is a refreshing change of pace to see a Trump Administration appointee who gives New England climate and public health advocates reason to cheer,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell. “Alexandra Dapolito Dunn is a superb choice to lead EPA’s programs in our region. Her leadership of the Environmental Commissioners of the States (ECOS) restored its role as a constructive, nonpartisan voice addressing the most significant environmental issues facing our states and our nation. We look forward to working in partnership with her office to chart a course of science-based policies that will protect New England’s economy, natural resources, and the health of our communities for decades to come.”

Nov 06, 2017

A Rallying Cry for Clean Water

We are faced with a federal administration that wants not only to halt decades of hard-fought progress on clean water but reverse them altogether. But today, the impacts on our public health from blue-green algae outbreaks and chemical pollution are as serious and urgent as ever. We cannot and will not stop fighting for clean water as a fundamental right for all Americans.

Oct 11, 2017

Carlos Rafael’s Fish Fraud Leads to Forfeiture of Vessels, Permits

“Mr. Rafael’s crimes put the health of our fisheries directly in harm’s way, and today’s order helps ensure that he pays a price for that corruption,” said CLF attorney Megan Herzog. “Though this amounts to just a small slice of Mr. Rafael’s assets, it sends a signal that anyone who crosses the line will be held criminally accountable. By reinvesting proceeds associated with this case into stronger monitoring and redistributing Mr. Rafael’s forfeited quota among the fishermen harmed by his egregious crimes, we can begin to turn the page on this dark chapter in New England’s fisheries.”

May 08, 2017

Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Back in February, President Trump issued an executive order requiring government agencies to review and evaluate all existing regulations on the books. This is all in service to an earlier executive order that says federal agencies must axe two regulations for each new one they create. We have an opportunity right now to speak up… Continue reading Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Photo: Scott Pruitt
Mar 08, 2017

Baker Administration Takes Steps to Weaken Water Protections

“EPA’s permitting program has for decades provided important protections for our water,” said CLF attorney Caitlin Peale Sloan. “Proposing inadequate funding from an already-strapped environmental protection budget in order to create a weak program demonstrates a real lack of understanding on behalf of our state leaders. While we certainly have reason to be wary about EPA’s continued ability to perform in the coming years, we cannot allow these near-term fears to push us into making a dangerous, long-term change. Massachusetts legislators should reject the proposal in its current form, and CLF welcomes the opportunity to work with the Baker Administration in finding a solution that actually provides continued protection for our natural resources.”

Feb 21, 2017

CLF Takes Defense of Boston Waterfront to Court

“The Boston waterfront is a public treasure, an engine of tourism and a hub of economic growth, but it all collapses when we neglect our communal right to this resource,” said CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley. “The public has invested well over fifteen billion dollars in the harbor cleanup and waterfront improvements and has a protected privilege to enjoy the benefits of these investments. By approving a luxury residential scheme that essentially privatizes a public resource, the Baker Administration is corrupting a longstanding process designed to protect public interest. The minute we prioritize individual development goals over the public good, we start down a slippery slope that could spell disaster for our communities and our harbor.”