Nov 29, 2016
The Conservation Law Foundation is asking the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission to reconsider its decision not to reject a consumer tax that would help pay for natural gas pipeline expansions in the region. The PUC denied CLF’s request in September. The project was billed as a regional solution to rising electricity costs. But since… Continue reading Conservation Law Foundation Renews Effort To Quash Gas Tax For Regional Pipeline
Sep 07, 2016
Inside the auditorium, the crowd heard arguments on a 2-year-old petition by the Conservation Law Foundation. It argues the Certificate of Public Good allowing the Vermont Gas Pipeline needs to be changed because of changes since the project was first approved, like shifts in the energy market and project overruns that have nearly doubled the… Continue reading Regulators hear the latest battle over Vt. Gas pipeline
Jul 04, 2016
… Merrimack Station and Schiller Station have long been the target of environmental groups, including the Conservation Law Foundation, which has consistently listed the plants among the so-called “Dirty Dozen” of New England polluters. “Merrimack Station and Schiller Station power plants earn the award for the millions of pounds of toxic air pollution and greenhouse… Continue reading Eversource Deal Signals End To Coal Power In NH
Jan 28, 2016
Massachusetts is a state of extraordinary range – from our miles of coastline to the western mountains, our dense hardwood forests to our working farms, our thickly settled city neighborhoods to our rural village greens.
Jan 28, 2016
From rural farmland and western foothills, to urban centers and coastal villages, Connecticut is a state of varied landscapes and remarkable range.
Jan 26, 2016
What does it take for a community to thrive? It starts with clean air and clean water and access to good jobs, education, and health care. It also takes safe and affordable transportation choices, local green spaces, and easy access to fresh, healthy food.
Jan 25, 2016
Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time. Its impacts will be felt around the world, and we here in New England will not be immune.
Apr 05, 2014
When news broke in 2013 that Brayton Point, New England’s largest – and reportedly most efficient – coal-fired power plant would close in 2017, CLF heralded the news as a victory in one of its signature battles: the demise of coal in New England.