Feb 08, 2024

Maine Deserves an Environmental Justice Law 

CLF is working with partners and legislators to ensure an environmental justice law becomes a reality in Maine. Join us in advocating to get this bill across the finish line.

Top of Maine State House over sunset, green lush trees on the left and right of the foreground.
Jan 01, 2024

5 Questions for Britteny Jenkins

Britteny Jenkins, CLF’s Vice President for the Environmental Justice Program shares her journey and goals for our region. She will lead our transportation, climate justice, and zero waste efforts.

Portrait photography of Britteny Jenkins, Environmental Justice Vice President at Conservation Law Foundation. The background shows lush greenery and a green-tarnished metal fountain at Post Office Square in central Boston.
Nov 07, 2023

In the Eye of a Storm

The climate crisis is here. That means we must not only focus on how to prevent future climate impacts but also on how to preserve life and prevent damage to our homes, neighborhoods, and cities today. Here’s how.

This aerial photo shows flooding in a neighborhood in Montpelier, Vermont. Brown water covers the streets and yards of homes and businesses. Green mountains rise in the distance. Photo credit: Vince Franke
Nov 02, 2023

A Cool Place in the Neighborhood

On a small triangle of land between Bennington and Lawrence Streets stand picnic tables, corrugated metal beds bursting with flowers, and trees in planters of hot pink, lemon yellow, and royal blue. It’s an uplifting treat in this Lawrence, Massachusetts, neighborhood and a considerable contrast to what stood here before – a jumble of parked cars… Continue reading A Cool Place in the Neighborhood

A view of Lawrence's Bennington Triangle pop-up park.