Clearing the Air for New England
CLF is fighting to enforce anti-idling laws and protect communities from tailpipe pollution.
CLF is fighting to enforce anti-idling laws and protect communities from tailpipe pollution.
CLF is working with partners and legislators to ensure an environmental justice law becomes a reality in Maine. Join us in advocating to get this bill across the finish line.
Weather whiplash, unpredictable weather patterns and extreme weather are becoming increasingly frequent. These are changes we can see and feel and it’s time to prepare.
Britteny Jenkins, CLF’s Vice President for the Environmental Justice Program shares her journey and goals for our region. She will lead our transportation, climate justice, and zero waste efforts.
Microgrids will provide communities with energy independence, resilience, and security in the face of extreme weather.
The climate crisis is here. That means we must not only focus on how to prevent future climate impacts but also on how to preserve life and prevent damage to our homes, neighborhoods, and cities today. Here’s how.
On a small triangle of land between Bennington and Lawrence Streets stand picnic tables, corrugated metal beds bursting with flowers, and trees in planters of hot pink, lemon yellow, and royal blue. It’s an uplifting treat in this Lawrence, Massachusetts, neighborhood and a considerable contrast to what stood here before – a jumble of parked cars… Continue reading A Cool Place in the Neighborhood
Utility companies are not preparing for the cost of climate change-fueled weather, and consumers are paying for it.
Urban forests have health and climate benefits. But many communities struggle with nurturing and maintaining them. We looked at solutions to help urban forests grow.
CLF identified common challenges and barriers, best practices, and gaps in research in order to develop a strategy for accelerating urban forestry efforts in New England.