Sep 24, 2018

A Tale of Two Portlands

South Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregon, are just two of the most recent cities to take a stand against Big Oil and new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Jul 10, 2018

Massachusetts Traffic and Pollution Likely to Worsen as Self-Driving Vehicles Hit the Road

“Self-driving vehicles have the potential to drastically change the way we travel,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “We have an opportunity to prevent traffic nightmares and negative environmental impacts by enacting smart policies ahead of time. As the study illustrates, we can’t afford to wait.”

Jan 25, 2018

How Do Solar Panels Work?

At the most basic level, solar panels take light from the sun and turn it into electricity that you can use to power your stuff, from the small (your phone) to the large (your home or your business).

Nov 13, 2017

CLF Applauds New Regional Transportation Climate Initiative

Phelps Turner, staff attorney, Conservation Law Foundation, said: “Transportation is the single largest source of climate-disrupting emissions that pollute our air and threaten our health. And with a federal government that refuses to act on climate change, it’s more critical than ever that local leaders step up. Today’s announcement demonstrates a firm commitment to expanding the proven RGGI model and ensuring that the future of transportation is safe, affordable and clean.”

May 18, 2017

Logan Airport Makes First-in-Nation Environmental Commitments

“Logan Airport is both a major gateway to New England and a microcosm of the region’s climate, pollution, and transportation challenges,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “With this landmark agreement, Logan moves to the head of the class in reducing airport soot, smog, and greenhouse gas emissions, while improving the experience of air travelers and the health of neighboring communities.”

Apr 25, 2017

R.I. environmentalists present legislative priorities to lawmakers, governor

Taxing carbon, strengthening green building standards and extending the life of a renewable energy program are among the bills that the state’s environmental community is pushing for this legislative session. At its annual lobbying day Tuesday at the State House, the Environment Council of Rhode Island presented its priorities to legislators and Gov. Gina Raimondo.… Continue reading R.I. environmentalists present legislative priorities to lawmakers, governor

Mar 28, 2017

President Trump Decimates Critical Clean Air Protections

“President Trump’s decision to roll back EPA’s modest, common-sense climate rules betrays his promises to ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘promote clean air and water,'” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Instead, fossil fuel lobbyists from the swamp are bending a once-revered agency to their will and reversing essential protections. EPA has a legal and moral obligation to protect the public from climate-changing air pollution, and CLF is ready to enforce that obligation despite the president’s despicable action today.”

Jul 10, 2016

Breaking The Fossil-Fuel Habit

… ExxonMobil should be next. Like Volkswagen, it too profited from its deceit. It knew the real risks of global warming long ago. Knowing about melting ice sheets, they made strategic investments in ice-laden northern areas where oil would be more accessible as a result of global warming. Read more here by Sandra Levine, a… Continue reading Breaking The Fossil-Fuel Habit