Mar 08, 2017

Baker Administration Takes Steps to Weaken Water Protections

“EPA’s permitting program has for decades provided important protections for our water,” said CLF attorney Caitlin Peale Sloan. “Proposing inadequate funding from an already-strapped environmental protection budget in order to create a weak program demonstrates a real lack of understanding on behalf of our state leaders. While we certainly have reason to be wary about EPA’s continued ability to perform in the coming years, we cannot allow these near-term fears to push us into making a dangerous, long-term change. Massachusetts legislators should reject the proposal in its current form, and CLF welcomes the opportunity to work with the Baker Administration in finding a solution that actually provides continued protection for our natural resources.”

Feb 28, 2017

Trump Administration Dismantles Critical Water Protections

“Today the President said clearly and unequivocally that ensuring Americans have access to clean and safe water is not on his to-do list,” said Christopher Kilian, Director of CLF’s Clean Water and Healthy Forests program. “Repealing this critical protection not only defies the broad-based will of the American people, but it also places our region’s wetlands, streams and coastal estuaries at risk. New Englanders deserve better, and CLF stands ready to fight this catastrophic action at all costs.”

Every state in New England deserves a future free of the public health and climate risks of dirty gas.
Apr 11, 2016

Sandwich’s plan for water quality shaping up

… All of the Cape’s 15 towns are working toward coming up with watershed plans under a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreement that was reached last year with the Cape Cod Commission under threat of a lawsuit by the Conservation Law Foundation. … Read more here…

Jan 28, 2016


Massachusetts is a state of extraordinary range – from our miles of coastline to the western mountains, our dense hardwood forests to our working farms, our thickly settled city neighborhoods to our rural village greens.

Massachusetts conservation
Jan 26, 2016

Clean Air & Water

Here in New England, water is a way of life. Our rivers, streams, lakes, and ocean boost our economy, inspire our play, and enrich our heritage.

Apr 05, 2015

Clean Solutions for Dirty Water

Our most iconic waterscapes – Cape Cod, Great Bay, Lake Champlain, and Narragansett Bay – are slowly being choked by nutrient pollution. Nutrient pollution is traced to fertilizer runoff from agriculture and lawns, animal waste from factory farms, and overflowing sewage. CLF is fighting against nutrient pollution and for clean water in New England.

Jan 05, 2015

Progress Report: Clean Water

When it comes to clean water in New England, two big challenges stand in the way: nutrient pollution and stormwater runoff. CLF is working to solve these challenges by pushing local and state governments and the EPA to enforce clean water laws and hold polluters accountable for their damage.