Jun 16, 2021

State and Towns Failing to Protect Cape Cod Water

“For years, our state and local leaders have allowed wastewater systems to cause the scourge of toxic algae in Cape Cod’s bays and ponds,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “It’s time to turn off the tap and stop the flow of wastewater pollution into the Cape’s waters. Residents and visitors deserve to enjoy healthy bays and ponds, and officials need to solve this problem once and for all”

Aerial view of algae mats in Prince Cove (north of North Bay) in Marston Mills, Massachusetts.
Feb 17, 2021

CLF sues Barnstable over pollution in Lewis Bay

CLF is asking the court to rule that Barnstable is in violation of the Clean Water Act: This would trigger the requirement of a federal permit, which comes with stricter limits on nutrients and other contaminants.

Feb 16, 2021

Hyannis Wastewater Plant Polluting Cape Cod Waters

“Sewage and harmful pollutants are leaking from this wastewater plant directly into nearby estuaries, bays, and streams,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “For too long, Town officials have skirted legal requirements and taken no action to prevent nitrogen pollution and protect the Cape’s waters. The area’s water pollution crisis demands action now.”

Oct 01, 2020

Poll Finds Water Pollution a Critical Issue for Cape Residents

“Wastewater pollution is one of the greatest issues facing Cape Cod,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We’ve known for decades that this pollution is destroying the Cape’s bays and ponds and threatening to drag property values and the economy down with it. Residents clearly understand the urgency of this crisis, and it’s about time our officials to end the pattern of do-little and delay and commit to solving the problem. ”

Sep 16, 2020

Lawsuit Seeks Suspension of Septic Installations and Inspections

“These three entities have utterly failed to protect Cape Cod’s waters,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “We’ve known for years that septic systems across the Cape are dumping waste into the bays and ponds the region depends on for tourism. Until they get this problem under control, the installation of new systems and the inspection of properties with existing septic must be halted.” 

Aug 07, 2020

Barnstable, Willowbend Country Club face potential lawsuits

The environmental advocacy organization says it intends to sue the town of Barnstable and Willowbend Country Club in Mashpee for violating the federal Clean Water Act by discharging and adding pollutants into Lewis Bay and Popponesset Bay. The foundation sent notices to Barnstable and Willowbend on Wednesday, calling for both to put in place proven technology to significantly reduce nitrogen pollution or it would file lawsuit

Aug 06, 2020

Cape Cod Facilities Contributing to Scourge of Toxic Algae

“Cape Cod’s bays and ponds are facing disaster,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “As these facilities continue to dump harmful levels of nitrogen, the climate crisis is warming these waters and making them even more susceptible to toxic algae outbreaks. We will continue to hold these polluters accountable until every last one has stopped pouring pollutants into waters that belong to all of us.”