Sep 10, 2020

Lessons from the Gulf: Protecting New England Communities from Toxic Spills

The impacts of Hurricanes Harvey and Laura on oil and chemical facilities in Texas and Louisiana were foreseeable. Yet, Big Oil giants like ExxonMobil and Shell have left their facilities there vulnerable – and now the surrounding communities are paying a terrible, long-term price. It is difficult to grapple with such a massive corporate failure. We can’t risk the same happening here in New England.

Aug 05, 2020

Hurricanes and the Pandemic: Preparing for Dual Disasters

Amid a raging pandemic, one that is hitting Black and Brown communities particularly hard, already-vulnerable communities find themselves even more threatened by the possibility of a significant storm hitting Massachusetts. That makes it more imperative than ever that we plan now for the storm season still to come.

Storm drives water high along Boston Harbor
Sep 11, 2017

Lessons from Houston: Protecting New England Communities from Toxic Spills

Over six days, Hurricane Harvey dumped 27 trillion gallons of water on Houston and parts of the Gulf Coast, leaving a wide swath of destruction and toxic pollution for communities to deal with as they try to rebuild from the storm. 100,000 homes incurred damage or were lost altogether, and restoration efforts are estimated to… Continue reading Lessons from Houston: Protecting New England Communities from Toxic Spills

May 08, 2017

Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Back in February, President Trump issued an executive order requiring government agencies to review and evaluate all existing regulations on the books. This is all in service to an earlier executive order that says federal agencies must axe two regulations for each new one they create. We have an opportunity right now to speak up… Continue reading Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Photo: Scott Pruitt