Nov 07, 2020

Biden Win Sets the Stage for a Greener Future, But Local Action Is Still Vital

The presidential election result is a welcome relief – especially amid the ongoing stresses of an unrelenting pandemic, hobbling economic hardship, and an overdue racial reckoning. We all deserve to take a moment and celebrate that. But even as we see the core values of our democracy vindicated after relentless voter suppression efforts, now is not the time to grow complacent.

Oct 07, 2020

Voting Is a Right – We Must All Fight to Protect It

The leaders that we select in this year’s elections – up and down the ticket – will fundamentally shape our lives, not just for the next four years, but for decades to come. As a nonpartisan organization that wields the law to protect New England communities and that challenges broken systems and discriminatory policies, CLF cannot be a passive witness to any attempt to undermine our election process. Neither can our supporters.

Voting is a right. We much protect everyone's ability to vote.
May 14, 2020

Building Stronger Communities and a Healthier Climate in the Wake of COVID-19

Even as we mourn the lives lost to COVID-19 and absorb the heavy toll it has taken on our economy, we must recognize that the old “normal” left too many communities unhealthy and especially vulnerable to the pandemic. Replicating that old “normal” will squander an opportunity to reduce climate danger while building healthier and more just communities for all.

Mar 23, 2020

On COVID-19: A Letter to the CLF Community

In this uncertain time, we hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. Here at CLF, we are taking all necessary precautions to care for our staff and their families during this unprecedented crisis. Fortunately, CLF’s advocacy has never been defined or confined by the walls of a building.

The virus that causes COVID-19
Jan 11, 2019

CLF Responds to Calls for More Gas Pipelines

CLF responds to a Boston Globe editorial calling for more gas pipelines at a time when emissions are rising and the negative effects of gas are abundantly clear.
Dec 12, 2018

The News about Our Climate Isn’t Good – But the Fight is Far from Over

Heat waves and flooding are putting New England’s people, environment, and economy at risk. Aging infrastructure is increasingly stressed from sea level rise and bigger storms. Our farmers face challenges from shifting growing seasons. Atlantic cod – already dwindling  – will disappear and lobster will move out of reach of New England fishermen as waters warm.… Continue reading The News about Our Climate Isn’t Good – But the Fight is Far from Over

Jun 07, 2018

Mayors Climate Summit: Less Talk, More Action

Today, hundreds of mayors are convening in Boston to talk about climate change. We’re calling on them to walk the walk when it comes to climate action – these solutions can’t wait.