Conservation Law Foundation is fighting for a better future for all New Englanders

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Fossil fuel interests are spreading disinformation about offshore wind energy. Don’t be fooled: Get the real facts here.

two people superimposed over the outline of the new england map

Who We Are

For over 50 years, CLF has taken on powerful opponents who would pollute our air and water and squander our resources. Our deep local knowledge, legal acumen, and policy expertise make us a prime mover in building our clean energy future, countering climate change, and safeguarding our communities.

Illustration of right whale swimming

Action Needed

Fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales remain on Earth. We need to do everything we can to protect this iconic New England species. Your voice can make a difference in right whales’ survival: Write to your members of Congress and ask them to support action to intervene and save right whales from extinction.